Re: New Charisma / Charisma Cappelli
Actually... the lisping guy was very degrading... and most the cum was on me... but GOOD NEWS! I got my hair done, new color... yall should like it. I'm hoping they turn out okay at least for you guys... I really try not to dissapoint...
I always kind of hoped the girls were in on the joke at anallickfest. This makes me hate the lisping guy even more. Personally, I'd do a little research on some of these sites ahead of time. Tho, I think your management should have done that for you. Porn management should do a better job of protecting their clients best interests. I think its things like this that cause some girls to get burned out on the biz far sooner than later.
You girls should be able to get as nasty and freaky as you like, but never disrespected nor humiliated (unless thats whats you're into). Again, a good example of this distinction is your ass-licking scene in Obscene Behavior 5 (HOT!) and the one in ALF (NOT! Even if I haven't seen it). This is why I hate all those old scenes. I know you did that one S&M vid w/ Christian (which is definitely not my cup of tea), but I like that in the end you have the post interview where you 2 are acting friendly and that its all just for show.
Can't wait to see the new hair color. Its very much appreciated how you try to make the fans happy.