
I think the rules are good and this is one reason why I come here.I don't want to be bombarded with underage pictures and some of the more out there fetish stuff.Also I don't want people just coming onto the board just to flame others like in a certain thread that has recently been started here.

Ive been to other boards and never stayed long as they are to loose with the rules and people abuse this fact.The mods here do a great job on enforcing the rules and are very friendly and give you chance.Starting a thread just winge on the fact one or two of your posts have been censored is just been a baby.

Next time try pm'ing the mod and sort it out that way.If then your still unhappy then just leave as no ones keeping you here.


Staff member
Rules are rules, non negotiable and standard. If you are not happy then leave, none forces you to stay.


BNF said:
You can post here if you must. But, I think you can all see the reasons this ass was banned.

1)warned once about his sig, changed it and made it worse. "Big up cute little fresh faced freshmen (just what level of schooling are we talking about, anyway?) hehehe...."

2) expressed thinly veiled interest in underage material and interests

3) the name should have clued us in earlier

4) opened another account and returned as this ass (IP ban coming)

Sweet! I'm glad you posted my email. Now I won't have to say all that twice. But I'll add that long before anyone knew that titsarefun was really teeniefucker, I still had a post censored for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Every last thing that I said in this thread is inarguably true, as is everything I've said in this entire message board.

I also have access to a million computers, so if you notice a new visitor to this fascist message board that seems to be more than just a little smarter than you are even in your dreams, that's me, you gutless little worm.

"Grammer" is ok. Nice.
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It's good to be the king...
[edit] The rules for this message board are there for a reason - if one can't follow said rules, then move on..........
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cowards said:
Sweet! I'm glad you posted my email. Now I won't have to say all that twice. But I'll add that long before anyone knew that titsarefun was really teeniefucker, I still had a post censored for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Every last thing that I said in this thread is inarguably true, as is everything I've said in this entire message board.

I also have access to a million computers, so if you notice a new visitor to this fascist message board that seems to be more than just a little smarter than you are even in your dreams, that's me, you gutless little worm.

"Grammer" is ok. Nice.

To be honest I think this guy needs professional help.If something like a little censorship makes him continue to do this he's having problems mentally.Censorship and rules are a part of life live with them.
What planet do you live on?
'Oppressive board', 'Most Censored', 'Taliban Regime'??
Listen pal, if you want to know what censorship is all about, why don't you haul ass to China or North Korea, or even some parts of the middle east.
I'm sure they wouldn't be quite as tolerant of your rantings there, more likely to bang you up in a stinking hole of a prison for the next 20 years.
There are so many injustices in this world that someone could get angry about, why decide that a message board is top of the list?
If your so cut up about censorship, go join some political movement, handcuff yourself to some railings somewhere..

I'm guessing the 'big nasty people' of the board, have hurt your feelings...ah diddums.

As for your 'threat' of coming back here, bring it on...
You tiresome bullshit rantings will be gladly shot down in flames..
If all you can resort to is 'Taliban' comments, abuse and petty thug e-mails, then I don't think your much of a match for anyone...you probably jump at the sight of your own shadow.


Staff member
tunsty said:
What planet do you live on?
'Oppressive board', 'Most Censored', 'Taliban Regime'??
Listen pal, if you want to know what censorship is all about, why don't you haul ass to China or North Korea, or even some parts of the middle east.
I'm sure they wouldn't be quite as tolerant of your rantings there, more likely to bang you up in a stinking hole of a prison for the next 20 years.
There are so many injustices in this world that someone could get angry about, why decide that a message board is top of the list?
If your so cut up about censorship, go join some political movement, handcuff yourself to some railings somewhere..

I'm guessing the 'big nasty people' of the board, have hurt your feelings...ah diddums.

As for your 'threat' of coming back here, bring it on...
You tiresome bullshit rantings will be gladly shot down in flames..
If all you can resort to is 'Taliban' comments, abuse and petty thug e-mails, then I don't think your much of a match for anyone...you probably jump at the sight of your own shadow.

I bet that the guy doesn't what rule abiding means and doesn't understand probably half of the words and the content of the rules, he tried to play the smart @ss, case in which he failed brilliantly because he was severly owned by BNF.
I think its quite obvious know as who this member was (is).
Seriously Rich, you already have a board, so why are you not taking care of it ? Maybe its because your precious little board has failed once again, just like all those other times it failed before...
Sorry, but i'm just pissed off at this moron who thinks he's so fucking much better than everybody else ! :mad:


Staff member
spiceworld said:
I think its quite obvious know as who this member was (is).
Seriously Rich, you already have a board, so why are you not taking care of it ? Maybe its because your precious little board has failed once again, just like all those other times it failed before...
Sorry, but i'm just pissed off at this moron who thinks he's so fucking much better than everybody else ! :mad:
I think that if he behaved properly there wouldn't be any problem, he is banned and he has to accept his ban.


Don't get sidetracked - he is not anyone that you think. This is not a previous member (from months ago).

I've kept this thread open to give you a look as to what happens, more often than you may think, when someone is banned. We do not need to explain the reasons in public, on the board, but I thought You Might be comforted to know that bans are always a last resort and that we give people (sometimes too often) the benefit of the doubt.

I can see by the posts in this thread that you all understand what the board is about, why there are rules, and why they need to be enforced. For that, and for more, I compliment you all. :thumbsup:
Since the talk is about banning, I have seen some cases of members with quite a number of posts, and a high rep who were banned in the past. I don't know the reasons (and this is not a post to ask what the reasons were) but just to make a point that this board seems to me as not "ruled over" by an elite that decides whether the "newer members" are behaving badly. Accept the terms, follow the rules. Just because this is mainly a porn board (but not just that) doesn't mean we must behave like nut-brained flesh-craving animals. Yes, we like porn, but that doesn't make us degenerate, or persons who only follow their lower insticts. I have met very interesting people in here whose interests doesn't stop to issues like "for whom do you jerk 4 times in a row" or "who has the greatest nipples". Personally I like the way things are, and if I have to pay this with censorship (which, as I see it, is just enforcing the rules everyone accepts when joins this board) so be it. Freeones is more than a porn board, and I want it to remain that way, not a battlefield for crazed maniacs hurling insults at each other.


Retired Moderator
Sometimes we all forget that we are all guests here. As guests we are expected to behave in a manner that the host expects. Regardless of the reasons why the rules are in place, they are in place for a reason and not arbitrarily chosen at random. If members follow the rules "the powers that be" (as teeniefucker/titsarefun/cowards put it) would have no reason to edit posts.
Excellent posts all around (except for the disruptor). What some people call restrictions, we call laws in society and user agreements or terms of service online. What some people see as censorship is simply disallowing anarchical, disruptive, and anti-social behavior.

What's particularly humorous (or dismaying) in all of this is that YES there are boards and blogs out there which are less "restrictive," if you will, on what may or may not be posted or said, but they inevitably get shut down (copyright or obscenity/pedo prosecutions), hacked (by jaded members who, despite their license to flame and hurl verbal grenades on the board has still led them to a ban, so they're disgruntled), or sued in civil courts (again, copyright issues, pic posting at will, etc.) because they're NOT run by pros.

These less "restricted" boards are like schoolyard playgrounds where the courteous and well-intended kids play and the bullies (cowards in packs, or sometimes alone) come and spoil the fun because of their own, personal socialization issues & problems. It also could be compared to going to a bar full of mean, drunk, lonely old men who cannot handle their liquor and who just sit around insulting each other, falling deeper and deeper into drunken self-loathing, spewing foul-mouthed rudeness at each other, farting all over the place, and covering the floor with vomit and piss - it doesn't make for a pretty scene.

It's always the broken/weakest link which keeps the chain from functioning in a well-run machine. This board is run as well or better than any other board I have ever seen, and trust me, I've seen more than my fair share.

Pissing and moaning about censorship is moot here. As asianxxx mentioned above, I've said this dozens of times here and elsewhere - message boards ARE little dictatorships, and when you join them, you'd better read and adhere to the rules and terms of service of the boards; they're there for reasons. Your membership is contingent upon your agreement to abide by the board administrator's rules, as published, and as enforced by the administrator and moderation staff. It is as if a Dutch person were to go to England, walk into a pub, blaze up some hashish in the middle of the pub, and then whine and complain when arrested & prosecuted for possession of a controlled/illegal substance... "But where I come from, we're allowed to buy it, carry it, smoke it in designated places, and cops aren't allowed to search me on the street if they suspect I am carrying something." "This isn't The Netherlands," would be the police response, and the person would be prosecuted for breaking English law and then later deported.

It's not censorship - it's self-governance. If you don't like it, you're quite welcome to go elsewhere, or you will be removed.

It's really quite simple.

:2 cents:


Staff member
I will add something to what has been said, discipline, courteousy, respect of each other, good will, acceptance of the other as well as frankness are what the guidelines ask but also what the members have to do for maintening a forum friendly and peaceful community. I think it is also a matter of education, a person who received a good education will never disrupt and will always be respectful towards the rules and the other persons.
tunsty said:
What planet do you live on?
'Oppressive board', 'Most Censored', 'Taliban Regime'??
Listen pal, if you want to know what censorship is all about, why don't you haul ass to China or North Korea, or even some parts of the middle east.
I'm sure they wouldn't be quite as tolerant of your rantings there, more likely to bang you up in a stinking hole of a prison for the next 20 years.
There are so many injustices in this world that someone could get angry about, why decide that a message board is top of the list?
If your so cut up about censorship, go join some political movement, handcuff yourself to some railings somewhere..

I'm guessing the 'big nasty people' of the board, have hurt your feelings...ah diddums.

As for your 'threat' of coming back here, bring it on...
You tiresome bullshit rantings will be gladly shot down in flames..
If all you can resort to is 'Taliban' comments, abuse and petty thug e-mails, then I don't think your much of a match for anyone...you probably jump at the sight of your own shadow.

And not a single joke it.:eek:
See he's even p****d tunsty off now.
georges said:
I will add something to what has been said, discipline, courteousy, respect of each other, good will, acceptance of the other as well as frankness are what the guidelines ask but also what the members have to do for maintening a forum friendly and peaceful community.

Georges...you beat me to what I was going to say...:)

It's true people...we ARE a community... The American Heritage Dictionary says...

NOUN: pl. com·mu·ni·ties

a. A group of people having common interests: the scientific community; the international business community.
b. A group viewed as forming a distinct segment of society: the gay community; the community of color.

a. Similarity or identity: a community of interests.
b. Sharing, participation, and fellowship.

Communities have to have rules...whether formal or informal. If not...they descend into chaos. And more than formal rules...for a community to really flourish, its members must have courtesy, and respect for one another...

Personally...I view my 'freedom of speech' more as a privilege than a right. And at a place like this...it IS a privilege to be here...to be a member...to participate. And I would never assume because I have a 'right' to 'express myself' that is the same as the 'right' to be a rude, obnoxious twit.

Our rules/guidelines/code make Freeones the BEST board...and I actually feel somewhat sorry for someone who can't see that. How interesting that our 'friend' titsarefun says...

titsarefun said:
They can swear at each other, and insult each other, and unless something ridiculously extreme happens they'll never get censored. And why? Because I'm not the only one in the world who is sickened by censorship. It's so pathetic and sad. That's why it's so rare in cyberspace, and why it's so weird that it's so common here.

It sounds to me that by his own admission most other boards do not have qualities like courtesy and respect. Rather...they encourage, cherish, and value things like arrogance, rudeness, hositility. Personally...I'll take what we have here. :)

(ok...rant over...;) )
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So this is the most restrictive place on the net huh? He must not visit as many messageboards as he claims to. This is one of the most lenient I have been on. Nobody short of a complete anarchist could actually think this board is anywhere near repressive. The majority of places I have been to won't allow you to view porn, use swear words, and some of them don't even allow the discussion of politics at all. The rules that keep us from directly insulting each other on here seem to be one of the things that keep it functioning. That is a very very small price to pay considering the fact that we can talk about almost anything we want with few exceptions.


It's good to be the king...