

My suggestion to the people at the freeones message board with the power to censor posts would be to relax a little, because you've made this the stuffiest, most censored message board or blog anywhere in cyberspace. I posted a comment on the "Face Fetish?" thread which contained no hardcore images, or threats toward other members, or even a single swear word, and it was removed. Guess what people, if you don't like a particular post for some reason, but the post doesn't contain any extreme images or language, then too bad. Post a response ripping the shit out of the person if you want to, but to censor them is repulsive. It's so ironic that the message board which has the strictest rules of censorship, the one where the people have the least freedom to express themselves, on the entire web, happens to be on a porn website!!!

EDIT - An email to BNF, posted here by BNF

"From: Dave Gorman goremonster@yahoo.com
To: bnf@x.com
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 16:32:25 PST
Subject: Freeones.

Hey...it's teeniefucker!

Since you're not even smart enough to get the grammar
correct on the little note you wrote explaining why I
was banned (it's not "underage interest are not
welcome", it's "underage interests are not welcome")
it's not surprising that you're too stupid to see that
I was right about every single point that I made on
the freeones message board. How on earth did someone
as stupid as you get the authority to ban people from
the message board anyway? Maybe I should cut you a
little slack since English is obviously a second
language for you, but I won't. Go fuck yourself you
moronic little retard.

P.S. Click the "Angels Teens" link at the bottom of
the freeones homepage. You'll find the word "teenie"
used a whole lot, won't you? "

The IP Address is: The host name is: CPE00501814df8d-CM013040000268.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com.

:hatsoff: BNF (grammer is ok, spelling had one typo! ;))
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americanharley said:
Then why do you continue to post here? You always have the option to leave.
That's a great attitude. This is by far the most oppressively censored message board anywhere on the internet, but don't say anything about it, and don't challenge it, just leave.


Closed Account
Most of us have become accustomed to the rules and how things work, yet we manage to correctly post our views and thoughts w/o problem. And if you do have a problem with the board, then leave. It's that simple. Find a board that you find more sutable to your likes. No one is twisting your arm to stay here.
Agreed Harley...

And if your only reason FOR staying is to constantly complain, incite and cause trouble...then it's pretty much guarenteed you will be leaving.

titsarefun said:
Guess what people, if you don't like a particular post for some reason, but the post doesn't contain any extreme images or language, then too bad. Post a response ripping the shit out of the person if you want to, but to censor them is repulsive. It's so ironic that the message board which has the strictest rules of censorship, the one where the people have the least freedom to express themselves, on the entire web, happens to be on a porn website!!!

And since WHEN did 'freedom of speech' become the freedom to be rude and obnoxious???
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americanharley said:
Most of us have become accustomed to the rules and how things work, yet we manage to correctly post our views and thoughts w/o problem. And if you do have a problem with the board, then leave. It's that simple. Find a board that you find more sutable to your likes. No one is twisting your arm to stay here.

We've all become accustom to living under the Taliban regime, and we pretty much know how to not get shot, so either follow the ridiculous rules like we do, or leave. Is that about right? Well there's a third option - change. Something's wrong when a porn website has rules of censorship that every other message board or blog in all of cyberspace would be sickened by.
titsarefun said:
Well there's a third option - change. Something's wrong when a porn website has rules of censorship that every other message board or blog in all of cyberspace would be sickened by.

You seem to be the only one crying out for change...

And as Harley has said...if all those other boards are soooo much more vastly better and 'more free'...then why not go there? Why waste your time and energy on our 'oppressive' site?


americanharley said:
Then its simple, go to these other message boards or blogs out there in cyberspace, and find one your satisfied with.

We've already been through this. I've already found message boards and blogs with rules of censorship that unlike this one don't resemble fascism at its worst, and it's not hard to do when every one in existence other than this one falls into that catagory. What I'm doing now is calling out this one and asking it to attempt to justify itself, to justify being this restrictive. This message board doesn't have to be this way, no message board has to be this way. No other message board is. How did these people get control of this place, anyway? And why do you hate freedom so much?


Closed Account
And yet, this message board has over 30,000 members, has actively posting star members and functions at almost top notch daily, with a full mod squad and groups of dedicated members. So something must be going right.


As my dearest friend and respected coleague Nightfly has told me over and over again, a Bulletin Board community is in some respects a little dictatorship. We are merely its guests and we are advised to follow the rules.

We are allowed as much freedom as what the Site Administrator deems appropriate. He has a Staff in which to enforce the Board Rules, which, by the way, are some of the most lenient and relaxed Terms Of Service around.

The Rules are based upon nothing but common sense, logic, and what Freeones himself deems appropriate for HIS Board.

I don't know what else to say to you ... or others who have questioned the Board Rules ... that could suffice any better than this:

Either abide by the Board Rules and try your best to be a contributing member which is a reward in itself ... or don't and face the consequences for your actions. It's really that simple.

titsarefun said:
What I'm doing now is calling out this one and asking it to attempt to justify itself, to justify being this restrictive.

How completely arrogant you are...it's astounding! How and why do you feel this board OWES you anything? You've contributed little...NOTHING of value in your very brief time here...and now you demand the operators of a FREE board to 'justify' themselves to you???


kungfudude said:
Hey its their world man. We're just living in it. :turnturn:

Suck it up and drive on.
It is their world, I'll give you that. But why do they rule it like this? In every message board that I've ever visited where politics is discussed, not porn but politics, people are allowed to have heated debates. They can swear at each other, and insult each other, and unless something ridiculously extreme happens they'll never get censored. And why? Because I'm not the only one in the world who is sickened by censorship. It's so pathetic and sad. That's why it's so rare in cyberspace, and why it's so weird that it's so common here.


wlfman812 said:
How completely arrogant you are...it's astounding! How and why do you feel this board OWES you anything? You've contributed little...NOTHING of value in your very brief time here...and now you demand the operators of a FREE board to 'justify' themselves to you???

I'm arrogant? That's your contribution to this debate? Next time try discussing the issue at hand. Should this message board have the most restrictive rules of censorship found anywhere in cyberspace? That's the issue.
I don't remember ever getting censored here for posting in political thread etc..
even some ppl with nearly extrem way of thinking are not censored, the speach rulez a quite pleasant here if your are not a spammer/fascist/..
try to weigh more your words before posting..


americanharley said:
And yet, this message board has over 30,000 members, has actively posting star members and functions at almost top notch daily, with a full mod squad and groups of dedicated members. So something must be going right.

Trust me, all that stuff isn't because of the heavy censorship, but despite it. There are many good things about this message board, but just think of how much better it would be if it didn't have the most oppresive level of censorship on the net. Imagine it had less censorship than even 10% of all message boards and blogs in existence. Then you'ld have something.


9inch said:
I don't remember ever getting censored here for posting in political thread etc..
even some ppl with nearly extrem way of thinking are not censored, the speach rulez a quite pleasant here if your are not a spammer/fascist/..
try to weigh more your words before posting..

I've not only experienced the censorship first hand, but I've also seen the censorship police come after others. I've been to many message boards and blogs and trust me, I've never seen a level of censorship that even approahes the one here.


You can post here if you must. (Speaking to members, not banned trying to return.) But, I think you can all see the reasons this ass was banned.

1)warned once about his sig, changed it and made it worse. "Big up cute little fresh faced freshmen (just what level of schooling are we talking about, anyway?) hehehe...."

2) expressed thinly veiled interest in underage material and interests

3) the name should have clued us in earlier

4) opened another account and returned as this ass (IP ban coming)
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