Cellphone Radiation Test Flawed...

Will E Worm

FCC Test to Measure Cellphone Radiation Flawed, Group Says

A government test used to measure the radiation people absorb from their cellphones might underestimate the levels to which most adults and children are exposed, according to a group of doctors and researchers whose stated mission is to promote awareness of environmental health risks they believe may be linked to cancer.

Researchers from the Environmental Health Trust released a report this morning noting that the Federal Communications Commission test to determine radiation exposure is flawed.

The reason for the discrepancy, the group says, is that the process to determine radiation exposure from cellphones involves the use of a mannequin model that they say approximates a 6-foot-2, 220-pound person. Because the model represents only about 3 percent of the population, the authors report, the test will not accurately predict the radiation exposure of the other 97 percent of the population, including children. The group is pushing for a new testing system to measure radiation exposure in a wider range of consumers.

"The standard for cellphones has been developed based on old science and old models and old assumptions about how we use cellphones, and that's why they need to change," said Dr. Devra Davis, former senior adviser in the Department of Health and Human Services under the Clinton administration and one of the report's authors.

A different study cited in the report says a child's bone marrow absorbs 10 times the radiation as an adult.


Still love your cellphone? :1orglaugh :tongue:
yea, seeing as how i barely use it to actually speak to people. im more of a texter, so i could care less


Closed Account
Google for electric currency radiation in cars, will that stop you from driving? Then check the mortality rate for pedestrians being hit by cars vs drivers getting killed when running over pedestrians, will that stop you from going outdoors? Next look up the mortality rate at home vs outdoors... Pointless thread if ever I saw one, don't think anyone will be to bothered except for the good people in the finger wagging group.
Google for electric currency radiation in cars, will that stop you from driving? Then check the mortality rate for pedestrians being hit by cars vs drivers getting killed when running over pedestrians, will that stop you from going outdoors? Next look up the mortality rate at home vs outdoors... Pointless thread if ever I saw one, don't think anyone will be to bothered except for the good people in the finger wagging group.


Will E Worm

yea, seeing as how i barely use it to actually speak to people. im more of a texter, so i could care less

Text or talk it doesn't matter. ;)

Google for electric currency radiation in cars, will that stop you from driving? Then check the mortality rate for pedestrians being hit by cars vs drivers getting killed when running over pedestrians, will that stop you from going outdoors? Next look up the mortality rate at home vs outdoors... Pointless thread if ever I saw one, don't think anyone will be to bothered except for the good people in the finger wagging group.

Come on now. :facepalm: Don't start a whine thread when you have a cellphone shaped cancerous tumor. :tongue:

Not saying I want that to happen. It will soon enough to some people. Then there will be a lot of backtracking. ;)


Closed Account
I'm not starting a whine thread. I believe you started this thread.

And I noticed that you conveniently left out the following part of the article:

Independent scientists also said there are no conclusive studies that cellphone radiation causes cancer.

In May, the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer placed cellphones in the same category as lead and engine exhaust, citing the possibility that exposure to cellphone radiation could have long-term health effects. But roughly 30 studies conducted thus far have failed to draw a conclusive link.

One study last year found a slight, statistically insignificant increase in risk in a rare form of brain cancer called glioma among cellphone users. Another study out of the National Institutes of Health Research found cellphone use was associated with increased brain activity. But whether that is linked in turn to an increased risk of cancer has yet to be shown.

Will E Worm

I'm not starting a whine thread. I believe you started this thread.

And I noticed that you conveniently left out the following part of the article:

This is not a whine thread. :facepalm:

I only post some of the articles. Nothing was "conveniently" left out.

Independent scientists also said there are no conclusive studies that cellphone radiation causes cancer.

They say this to try to cover their butts for when their lies are found out. ;)

If the tests are flawed, as they admit, then they do not know about the cancer risks like they act like they do.


Closed Account
I think I'll go argue with our cat instead, at least he won't look at something, edit it so it reflects his twisted fantasy world and then try to pawn it off as the truth.

And I fully expect a wagging finger in reply to this.


My Penis Is Dancing!
I think I'll go argue with our cat instead, at least he won't look at something, edit it so it reflects his twisted fantasy world and then try to pawn it off as the truth.

And I fully expect a wagging finger in reply to this.


Are you happy now? Are you happy? You made me use a smilie. You have turned me into a whore. A whore!


Closed Account
Time to step away from your computer aswell.

Computer radiation can make you feel sick and burn your skin. Most people are not aware of this, and continue to suffer with ill health they have no explanation for. They do not realize sometimes ill health is related to computer use.

Using a laptop or LCD does not exclude you from the negative health affects of computer radiation. All computer monitors emit low levels of radiation. Laptops and LCD monitors emit less radiation than the old-fashioned CRT monitors. However, all monitors emit enough radiation to affect your health and appearance.


Will E Worm

A healthy solution is to use a computer accessory called a radiation filter. This product will eliminate 94-99% of the harmful radiation emitted from your computer screen. Radiation filters are available for all types of computer monitors, and they work well to protect you from radiation.

Where's your cellphone radiation filter? :tongue: