Celebs Without Makeup

What an actress or an actor or anyone who can be seen on tv look like WITHOUT makeup!


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Hung Lo

asians look good without makeup....its all about the eyelids, droopy ones never look good without paint


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Most of the celebs don't look bad w/o makeup..it's the unflattering angles or faces they are making that contribute to it. The only one who looks really bad without makeup is Pam Anderson...but in general, it's only b/c without all the eye makeup she looks completely dif't.
Yeah there seems to be an effort at that site to get the women from the most unflattering angles with the worst facial poses. Charlize Theron looks like they caught her sucking on a lemon, for crying out loud. Nobody looks good like that.

Now if you want to see a babe who looks completely different without makeup, try to guess who this is:

Well Demi looks good in both.Cindy crawford i agree is with make up and with less make up..Pam she looks bad with or without it.
Courtney cox looks bad and charlize theron is without make up and a lot of work on her face for the movie monster.....