1- Elisha Cuthbert - First saw her on 'Popular Mechanics for Kids' when I was like 12 or 13, and have had a crush on her ever since. I liked her in all her roles(porn star in 'The Girl Next Door' particularly), but to me the best was 'The Quiet,' and her utterance of a simple 4-letter word that starts with a 'C' and rhymes with 'hunt.' I like a girl with a dirty mouth.
2- Morgan Webb - More from her time on TechTV, 'The Screen Savers' and of course 'X-Play,' but also as 'The Gaming Goddess' in Maxim.
3- Amanda Tapping - The hottest 40-something with a kid I know. Loved her with blonde hair on 'Stargate SG-1,' and I think she may look even better with black hair on 'Sanctuary.'