Carmen Hayes


Carmen Hayes in "Ass Like That!" (Ass Like That / Hundies) [2009]






Hey has anyone ever seen a Carmen Hayes lesbian video where she hooks with with a white milf who also has big tits? Carmen is wearing a green dress in this video and its shot on some couch in a living room. Saw this video ages ago but have never been able to find it again :/
Does anyone know what music videos Carmen Hayes was in? I was listening to some interview of her's and she claims that she used to be in a bunch of rap music videos around the same time she started doing porn. Only music video I know of that she was in was that Faith Evans video.

To update this she was in

Faith Evans - You Get No Love
3 6 Mafia - Baby Mama
3 6 Mafia - 2 Way Freak (She's in this one quite a bit and looks really hot in it.)

but according to that interview she claimed she was in a lot more videos than just those. Apparently she's in Ja Rule's Living it Up video but I don't see her anywhere in it and those tits are really hard to miss.

also anyone know if Carmen ever did any movie cameos?