
Official Checked Star Member


Official Checked Star Member
OMG carlotta! where did the name "carlotta" come from? Vertigo by Hitchcock? You look like so many incredible classic hollywood beauties! Garbo, Eva Gardner, Ruth Roman etc...

Carlotta was a nickname as a kid, my aunt took it from an Anne Rice book. Years later in high school a friend wrote a comic strip and I got to be a
character "Carlotta Mistress of Floggery"... to this day it just kinda stuck!
I wish I'd lost weight! It is just an older set. I have a backlog of sets which are still being put out on my site. I was probably a few pounds and a few years lighter :p
Breath-takingly beautiful then, and even more so now!
Re: More of Carlotta Champagne ?

hey! I signed up for these forums today to see what people are saying about me, lol.

Do a google search on me, there's tons of pictures out there. I am also the December cyber girl extra on playboy.com so that is a month's worth of pictures and videos. My site is carlottachampagne.com (shameless plug, but you did ask for more on me, hehe).

Happy holidays!

You are beautiful, just wanted to tell you.