You hate orphaned children?
Well, I got better,
You hate orphaned children?
Is Bush conservative?
If Bush isn't conservative, what is he?
Running up a $14 trillion national debt isn't conservative. And you know damn well that I'm damn right. Conservative means culture war and that has no place in our society.
in this very thread, like an hour ago. Relax.There are no real conservatives anymore, at least at the Federal level. Its disgusting, frankly. Spend, spend, spend, try to get (re)elected, such is American politics.
So why all of the Obama hate from the right wing? That's what really pisses me off the most, people that call themselves conservatives know that the candidates they regularly vote for are as liberal, if not more so than any given Democratic candidate and they still push the same empty rhetoric.
Then you get people like Samantha Fisher that actually believes the spin. What's the real motivation here? Relentless pursuit of power for the sake of power. You end up with 35% top marginal rates, the rich get richer and to hell with the rest of us. And the MIB cleaning crews isn't a bad analogy. They just come on Swift Boats, or something.
Capitalism is as natural as breathing. It's been in humanity's blood since the idea of exchanging goods and services began. What isn't is socialism and the weird need by leftists to embark on failed socio-economic experiments bent of destroying capitalism.
The idea of fiscal economic justice is the left's way of crying foul when one has more than another.
Please explain the booming economy of the fifties and sixties when the top marginal tax rates fluctuated between 70%-92%.
Let's not forget, when the tax rate was high as xfire has shown, the country at that time lead the world in manufacturing and in exports. Other countries production was shit compared to ours. Look how many auto companies thee were back then. Now, there are what, three? We were producing steel like it was going out of style. And homes couldn't be built fast enough for the returning GI's from WWII.
But now, it's a whole 'nuther ball game. Japan, Korea, Europe all produce and export their products around the world... especially their cars and trucks.
So to say that by raising the taxes again to what they were in the 1950s and 1960's that we will once again be a BOOMING Manufacturing Goliath, just isn't true. Today, there is too much competition in the market place.
At least those are my thoughts. I could be wrong. Probably am. I am not an economist.
So to say that by raising the taxes again to what they were in the 1950s and 1960's that we will once again be a BOOMING Manufacturing Goliath, just isn't true. At least those are my thoughts. I could be wrong. Probably am. I am not an economist.
Please explain the booming economy of the fifties and sixties when the top marginal tax rates fluctuated between 70%-92%.