Capitalism: A Love Story

What the hell is Michael Moore so pissed off about?

His new movie as he says, "It's a crime story, but it's also a war story-- about class warfare. And a vampire movie, with the upper 1 percent feeding off of the rest of us. And, of course, it's also a love story. Only it's about an abusive relationship.

What is with this guy? He is like the white Spike Lee! Always pissed off about something...

Anyhoo, your thoughts on this new film?

Always pissed off about something, eh? Come on. Be serious.

Have you ever heard and/or watched:

Bill O'Reilly
Rush Limbaugh
Michael Savage
Michelle Malkin
Ann Coulter
Glenn Beck (although he has another common emotion - sorrow, complete with tears!)
Sean Hannity
Lou Dobbs
Neal Boortz
John Gibson

etc, etc, etc.....

Wow, helluva thread so far, though!

Oh shit...I made a NoOb mistake and started a thread when I should've searched:eek::o

Attn: Mods...maybe a thread merge? Sorry...:ban:
Re: Capitalism: A Love Story -- by Michael Moore

ATTN Mods~~
Maybe we should merge my thread with Whimsy's.....oops. Should've searched first.


Staff member
Re: Capitalism: A Love Story -- by Michael Moore

I hope that the fat pig of michael moore will die
Re: Capitalism: A Love Story -- by Michael Moore

I hope that the fat pig of michael moore will die

I didn't even know he HAD a pig! Where'd you learn that, on some celebrity gossip site?

Seriously though, it's one thing to disagree with the man, but to wish death upon his animals?? That seems just over the line...


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Re: Capitalism: A Love Story -- by Michael Moore

:2 cents: :throwup:
But yet, look what its done for him.

I love Moore's work but that was exactly my thought. However, I'll definitely go see it when it is out for general release. I tend to agree with the premise.


Hiliary 2020
Re: Capitalism: A Love Story -- by Michael Moore

Thus far, that's the dumbest, lamest "argument" against him and/or his films (although I don't doubt that the right-wingers could possibly conjure up something dumber - I just haven't heard it yet). As though there's a separate socialist economy operating in the US, in which Moore could live and work if he wished. (To make it crystal clear for you, people can critique the socioeconomic system of the U.S. (and the world, for that matter) and still prefer the country they live in and/or have a need/reason to stay in it - the old "love it or leave it" line is beyond dumb, and I won't address it here; it's not worth my time)

If you're saying what meesterperfect was saying, then see above...

Ok, I'm off to the original thread for this film...

Yeah maybe, but look how fucking fat he is!
Re: Capitalism: A Love Story -- by Michael Moore

I disagree with Jane 100%. He's far from an idiot and he makes interesting, thoughtful films that stimulate more thought and good discussions that are all too rare these days. I don't think money's his main goal. He likes to make documentaries that people go see and talk about. If thousands or millions of people see them, do you think he should just tell the companies that produce and distribute them to keep all of the money themselves? Please. That tired attempt to "gotcha!!" Moore by pointing out that he makes money from his films - well, it's like a 4th grade analysis of things... Sort of embarrassing to hear it from adults, to be quite honest. He exists within a capitalist economy and thus, plays by its rules.
Re: Capitalism: A Love Story -- by Michael Moore

Yeah maybe, but look how fucking fat he is!

Always good to engage in discussion with clear-minded adults!

Re: Capitalism: A Love Story -- by Michael Moore

Michael Moore is and always will be an idiot. He likes to stir up emotions so you will go and see his movies. It makes him a lot of money, and that is what he cares about.

So does Steven Spielberg. Does that make him an idiot?

Micheal Moore is a filmmaker, not a political activist. But he does make movies that have a message. Those social-critiques obviously register among people and his appeal is that he presents them in a way that is, as you say, emotional, but also humorous and satirical and genuinely entertaining. That's the bottom line. Some people enjoy his films and that's why they go and see them. If you don't, then no one is forcing you to go see them.

I just don't get why people get so mad at him. There are plenty of other idiots that are actually working toward implementing their screwed up agendas onto you that you could make better use of your angst.
Re: Capitalism: A Love Story -- by Michael Moore

I'd rather see a Michael Moore film than a Uwe Boll film, can I get an ame...uh, nm.
Re: Capitalism: A Love Story -- by Michael Moore

I love Moore's work but that was exactly my thought. However, I'll definitely go see it when it is out for general release. I tend to agree with the premise.

Jagger69, I have to say, I'm surprised at you!

I don't know how Moore lives - whether he has a home on each coast plus a vacation condo on the French Riviera or just a double-wide in Michigan - but I can guarantee that the right-wing will make a fuss if he has so much as a 20" flat-screen TV!!

He himself has become successful within capitalism (which reminds me, it's really not correct, using the language of the lovers of capitalism, to say that capitalism has done anything for Moore - Moore has done it himself, right? That's what we hear endlessly when a corporate CEO rakes in hundreds of millions! I'm to believe that Bill Gates actually EARNS $10,000/second, or whatever it calculates out to be), but why does that fact, why should that fact preclude him from noticing and criticizing what he feels is wrong, unjust, and problematic within the system? I say it shouldn't.

Is it wrong for an employee at a casino (who makes their living from the casino, after all!) to share with us that really, the games are all rigged, that the odds are stacked against players for virtually every game that takes place??? I think not. Of course, the casino owners probably don't appreciate it, but that doesn't make it any less true.

:2 cents::2 cents:
Re: Capitalism: A Love Story -- by Michael Moore

Is it wrong for an employee at a casino (who makes their living from the casino, after all!) to share with us that really, the games are all rigged, that the odds are stacked against players for virtually every game that takes place??? I think not. Of course, the casino owners probably don't appreciate it, but that doesn't make it any less true.

Heh, that's a pretty good example.
Re: Capitalism: A Love Story -- by Michael Moore

If the point of his movie is that capitalism is "evil", then he's not only wrong but a hypocrite. But I'll wait until I see it to render judgement. I won't pay for it though, that would just give MM extra cash for more food, and I'm trying to look out for his health. ;)