can't enlarge embedded quicktimes

when i surf for the porn lately, i get all these quicktime videos that i can't enlarge. what am i doing wrong and how do i fix it?

note: i tried to post this topic like ten minutes ago, but it did not appear and i don't know if it's because i included a link or what; so if this appears as a double post, my apologies.


I've no idea actually, but I'm pretty sure that if you use Mozilla Firefox you can download addons to various players like VLC or RealPlayer and use them instead if that helps. And you can always save the link as... to get it as a file instead of a link. That way you can play it in your standard player.

That's all I can think of.
i did the save target as... thing and it worked! thanks a pantload! (seriously)

curious, does anyone else have this problem? it happens all the time to me lately on most porn surf engines and the brazzers sites, even tons of freeones pages automatically open in these crappy embedded quicktime windows. i'm trying to figure out if it's just something screwy with this computer.