Canada is a pretty cool country. Surely no better or worse than any other country.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Re: Canada is a pretty cool country. Surely no better or worse than any other country

Except that they club seals to death.
Re: Canada is a pretty cool country. Surely no better or worse than any other country

You are being too modest. Canada is surely better than Sweden. You do have some pretty good hockey players.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Re: Canada is a pretty cool country. Surely no better or worse than any other country

^ Unfortunately, still no free health care for seals.
Re: Canada is a pretty cool country. Surely no better or worse than any other country

All the good things Canada offers are negated by one thing.



Torn & Frayed.
Re: Canada is a pretty cool country. Surely no better or worse than any other country

Canada gave us Neil Young and Danny Aykroyd,so they're cool in my book.
Re: Canada is a pretty cool country. Surely no better or worse than any other country

Maybe Canada should be the next country USA liberates, for the sake of seals.
Re: Canada is a pretty cool country. Surely no better or worse than any other country

The Good

Nelly Furtado
Thunder Bay
Wayne Gretzky
Decriminalized weed

The Bad

The Guess Who
They refer to ham as bacon
They only have two seasons.. Winter and August
Their coins don't work in American soda machines


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Re: Canada is a pretty cool country. Surely no better or worse than any other country

Maybe Canada should be the next country USA liberates, for the sake of seals.

The seals can't hear you. They're too busy being delicious. :thumbsup:

They only have two seasons.. Winter and August

Or, as we call it, winter and bad snowmobile season.

Their coins don't work in American soda machines

Don't worry. Half of our coins don't even work in our own soda machines.


The One and Only Big Daddy
Re: Canada is a pretty cool country. Surely no better or worse than any other country

The seals can't hear you. They're too busy being delicious. :thumbsup:

Or, as we call it, winter and bad snowmobile season.

Don't worry. Half of our coins don't even work in our own soda machines.

You are not kidding:rofl:
Re: Canada is a pretty cool country. Surely no better or worse than any other country

Call me crazy but I would shag Celine Dion silly if she walked into my bedroom looking like that. That really isn't that bad looking. I can go lower than that. I can give you Babs Striesand.

I could live in Canada. Your nation produces veeeeery hot women. If we can only get Ben Linus to "move" Canada to the South residency ticket will be punched. :wave:
Re: Canada is a pretty cool country. Surely no better or worse than any other country

Canada has given us many many gorgeous women so that on top of many other things make it a good country
Re: Canada is a pretty cool country. Surely no better or worse than any other country

I thought Canada was just a suburb of the US. :confused: