Can you turn a porn star into a housewife?

Would you marry a retired porn star or a porn star looking to retire? By porn star I do not mean someone who has done a few internet scenes, but someone who has been in the business far a few years, is well known and recognizable.
I did not mean is it possible but would you seriously consider it.
Are you a NeoCon? Turning liberated, empowered, self-determined pornstars into oppressed housewives is the first step towards fascism. My suffragette grandmother didn't publicly burn her draft papers and her bra on that fatal day at Kent State to let you and your ilk turn Sasha Grey into a miserable maid. :nono:
Are you a NeoCon? Turning liberated, empowered, self-determined pornstars into oppressed housewives is the first step towards fascism. My suffragette grandmother didn't publicly burn her draft papers and her bra on that fatal day at Kent State to let you and your ilk turn Sasha Grey into a miserable maid. :nono:

Never a miserable maid..but maybe a hot car pool mom.
Can I turn a pornstar into a housewife? What, do I look like Aladdin or something?
You could. if you were a man about it and not a little pussy boy who doesn't have any balls. It doesn't take much, being the weaker sex they have to listen to what you say, it's programmed into their little brains. That's the rule, if a man is talking they shut the fuck up like they're supposed to. Now, grab that sack and listen fella's! Here's what you say; "Woman, get your ass inside and cook my muthurfuckin' dinner or I'll get the belt"

Don't shout, don't even raise your voice, be calm and cool. If those master balls are swinging proud they'll get the message and comply. They have to, submission is God's will.

If that doesn't work, burn the house down.

::runs away::

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
No, but I could turn a housewife into a porn star. :hatsoff:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
LOL First you would have to find a porn star that wants to marry you.

It would be harder for me to find one who didn't want to marry me. I'm... kind of a big deal. Women are always throwing themselves at me. It becomes rather annoying actually.
You can, but I think she has to want to turn into a housewife