I remember back when I was 13 or 14, I found a strip of vhs tape strewn out alongside the road. For whatever reason I decided I'd try and see what was on the tape. So I took apart a vhs tape casing and used some scotch tape to put this on the reels so I could watch it. To my utter amaizment it was porn!!! Was the last 5 minutes or so of some early 80's porn flick. I wanna say the title was vampirella or something along those lines. Don't know for sure but it was a damn good scene! I got off SO many times to that short 5 minutes of film!
Hey when your 13/14 and your first intro to hardcore porn happens to be only one scene...one scene is all you need!!! Sucks when your parents vcr eats the tape, shit talk about a nervous wreck!