[NEEDS ID] Can you identify this sexy flat-chested blonde baby ? I know that one of her allias is Star, but still can't find her, it's near impossible !!

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
You are the first person I have seen to use Twitter as a medium to upload your queries.

But yes, seems difficult.

Video is "Mandy Blake BBW, Mandy does Star, 15 Jun 2007 (27yo)" but then you probably knew that already.

Connor Macleod

Staff member
You are the first person I have seen to use Twitter as a medium to upload your queries.
Technically, it violates the members only rule, but no one enforces it. I think the admins assume everyone uses Twitter. Personally, I ignore every request that uses Twitter.

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
Having recently set myself back up with a Twitter login, I have lost sight of the fact that I can only see certain things because I'm logged on with an account and with the age verification having been set up.

But yes, you are not maximizing your chances of getting an ID by posting links to Twitter @Feet_Hunter - you should upload the pics to an image host instead.

People usually share the links that they find when browsing Twitter (rightly or wrongly) but in this instance you have actually gone out of your way to post the pics on your own account and then linked to them here. This suggests to me that you don't know how to do anything other than this so that's what you've done. You Might not even have found them on Twitter, but nevertheless uploaded them there.

Example of an image host you can use - https://pixhost.to - you can then paste the links it gives you into here.