Here's my favorite - naked gymnastics and sex three times. Note - I play on the downloaded version because it tends to freeze if you just play online.
1.) Introduce Yourself 2.) Compliment her outfit 3.) Say something smart 4.) Kiss her cheek 5.) 18 or over 6.) Go to another room 7.) Kitchen
8.) Get wine to drink 9.) Finish drink 10.) Get wine to drink 11.) Finish Drink 12.) Suggest going out to dinner 13.) Wait for her in the hallway 14.) Go out to dinner
15.) Be seated 16.) Order dinner 17.) Continue to eat 18.) Compliment her 19). Talk to her 20.) Drink wine 21.) Pick up the check 22.) Head out
23.) Go to bar 24.) "I'm driving, so club soda please." 25.) Ask her to dance. 26.) Keep dancing 27.) Protect Ariane. 28.) Get her away from this guy 29.) Get out of the club. 30.) Continue on home.
31.) Go to the kitchen for dessert. 32.) Eat dessert then go somewhere else 33.) Go to the kitchen (at this point you want Ariane to say, "How about we take a walk to the park and do something there?" If she doesn't say this at first, ask her if she has any other ideas. You can only ask twice though. But if you've done everything exactly as I've said it, you should be fine. Once she says that, proceed to the next step.) 34.) Say 'Ok, Let's do that' 35.) Wait for her to put her shoes on.
36.) Follow her to the park. 37.) Take the other swing. 38.) Done swinging 39. Climb on top and hang upside down 40) Ask her to show you her gymnastic skills. 41.) Tell her she is doing well anyways. 42.) I don't mind at all. 43.) Say, 'Wow, that is pretty good' 44.) Applaud 45.) Follow her back to her place. 46.) Go to the living room.
47.) Drink some wine 48.) Stop drinking 49.) Kiss her 50.) Stop kissing. 51.) Kiss her 52.) Stop kissing 53.) Massage her shoulders 54.) Stop massaging her shoulders 55.) Caress her breasts 56.) Stop fondling her breasts 57.) Have her take her dress off 58.) Help her out of her dress. 59.) Massage her back 60.) Stop rubbing her back 61.) Kiss her nipples. 62.) Stop kissing her nipples. 63.) Massage her thigh 64.) Quit massaging her thigh 65.) Touch her pussy 65.) Continue 66.) Have sex. 67.) Finish having sex. 68. Suggest spending the night.
I think you can handle it from there. You'll have sex twice more.