Can I Install Windows 7 On.....

Mac > MSn

i have a "kick-ass" mac at work with a shit-load of memory in every way. it has the most up to date software, all mac hardware, the most "amazing" bits of mac. it is a five-monitor system and is supposed to make me cream every time i turn it on.

it is the least stable computer i have ever worked on. the techs can't explain it. they all get boners when they look at it an work on it. i hate the piece of shit. i prefer my $450 dell laptop at home with a second monitor plugged into it. way more stable, way easier to find software, way easier to install drivers.

dear mac:
please die.
love, dirk.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Ever notice people who use Macs are really... upfront about it?

They are always like "OMG I love my Mac it is so much better than Microsoft Microsoft sucks a big one and it crashes all the time and Vista sucks and it has all the computer games made for it!!!!!!!!1!!!"

What's up with that?


Closed Account
I have an option for your Windows dilemma. Use Linux. :hatsoff:

And as most others who "grew up" with Windows, they won't even be able to install a program....on the rare occasion what they want to install is supported. As soon as you say "command line" or "compile kernel", all but the hardcore geeks are lost.
Obviously you have not used Linux lately. Most distros are now super easy to install and the command line is largely a thing of the past if you don't want to mess with it. I have Linux on an older computer and have never used the command line.