The benefits of being a male talent are highly exaggerated. They don't get paid that much. To get any good money at all they have to work all the time, like the majority of the days in a month. There is no just popping in once a week, once ever few day, or month type of stuff like some women do. They have virtually no control and they can get very easily replaced even more so than the pornstars and often do. In the history of porn there has been about three male performers that have had any kind of notoriety to have a lot of influence in it. Not all the women a person is going to have sex with are going to be good looking or they are always going to find attractive even if they are. Some of them are going to be downright ugly to put it bluntly. You have to do almost everything, if a male pornstar stars putting demands on what he will and won't do like anal, or working with other men in a MMF, or anything like that his career won't last very long at all. It's hard enough for a women that has a lot of restrictions in the industry and pretty much impossible for a man. They will get STDs. Even looking past herpes which pretty much everybody in porn will get some people get things like syphilis on a yearly basis. A lot of scumbags work in porn, and if a male talent is one of the few that isn't like that he will have to co-star with a lot of people that are pretty pathetic. A person going into porn better be ready to work with and have close contact with a lot of gay people, or even some that are into pretty strange things, because porn is filled with them on the male side. That person would have to hang around a sub-culture most people rightfully won't touch with a ten foot pole.
There is also the social stigma attached to it, which luckily for the men isn't as bad as what the women face, but it exist. I bet when somebody gets out of the industry and meets a nice person they really like and want to have a relationship with telling that person they were in porn isn't exactly the best ice-breaker in the world.