Re: carmen of
Questions for the Carmen interview:
1) How do you deal with all of the crackheads who post drivel about you on message boards and the internet?
2) Who is the 'real' Carmen? On a day to day basis, amongst family and friends, who is Carmen?
3) Any plans to do more photo shoots? Going off of #2, I think a true candid set of photos would be awesome. Little or no makeup, hair pulled up, street clothes... as much as internet "stars" try to make themselves all up, nothing could possibly be sexier than a drop-dead gorgeous in her "raw" state.
Those who run CWH, and read and/or post on this site, please remember that the videos that appear on random sites around the internet actually help to build the CWH and Carmen brands. Without those videos being leaked, none of us would know who she is. And without those videos continuing to be leaked, interest in her and CWH would wane. Is it ideal for CWH and Carmen to have these videos out there? Of course not. However, it is only a good thing for Carmen and the website.