How could u not tell that those we're fake?
Put yourself in my shoes.
You have a project. You invest thousands and thousands of dollars into said project. You pass out LOTS of pic sets, free videos, free memberships, etc...but then joe blow comes along and STEALS from this project you created despite you being very generous.
Sure it may lead to joins, which is great, but if people keep stealing eventually the content is over saturated and all over...then who will buy it? Sales go down, over saturation occurs, etc.
I don't come to your job and steal. I don't take some thing you have invested hours upon hours and $$ upon $$ on and take it from you? Content theft hurts businesses more than you think...there's a reason it's illegal. It's no different than someone walking into Home Depot and stealing tools from it. Sure, the guy who steals it or shares those tools may like the tools and decide to go there and buy them...but does it make it right to steal them?
That's funny, you laughing. Ok Abbi. ""Europe, Australia and others?"" WOW, places that have no jurisdiction in America, what ever Abbie, this Thread could have been the hottest place in here, pretty soon your going to be the only one here, and since you believe that people all over the world are going to jail your going to be the only on the net to.!! ""LMAO"" Oh and you might even want to study up on Computer programming, not that anyone needs to know that much...Start with "C programming". its old but I like it. Maybe than you'll get it.
Carmen really ask us not to post her stuff?? Don't remember Carmen thinks her stuff isn't out of free. ah, she's hot but DAMN! lol
One of the moterator said, "Ignoring this rule carries a heavy consequence, which can include a temporary or permanent ban without warning!"...Me-->:rofl:
you know how many times I be ban from site?? And yes, Abbie there are way of getting around that to.
Yes, I remember the credit card fraud and how the perps were traced thru the internet. And yes it does require the Hague, Interpol and the FBI. The case was highlighted on Americas Most Wanted. However, it is hard to imagine "The case of the stolen boob photo" appearing on AMW any time soon.