Been a while since anyones contributed to this one, so I'll bump it with a rant. I know COD is the realm of the camper, but when the hell did it become overrun with the bastards? Honest to god you cant have a single match without at least half the room being these cowards who hide behind whatever they can find and take pot shots at you. And juggernaut? dont get me started on this, there should be a setting to remove it after you pass a certain level and dont need it anymore, otherwise its just pitiful.
It really does take the fun out of it for me, when the greater percentage of the playing population cant be seen because they are hiding. Oh and dear god, in the UK the game states a 16+ age rating, why all the fucking 12 year olds playing it! The next time I hear some mother complain about in game violence that her child is submitted to, Im not gonna be able to bite my tongue. The number of people I watch buy games like this and GTA then hand it to their three foot offspring makes me sick, these people are the ones who rant and rave about in game violence and then supply it? Hypocrites!!!