Another case of, just think of the people that could be helped with that money. *shakes head*
Capitalism...does anyone get it? Capitalism is designed so that even if I'm the greediest MoFo to ever walk the planet, my spending my money helps others in the same economic system. His spending 4,300 or whatever it was on that call girl paid her rent in that expensive apartment complex. It paid her bills which then in turn gave jobs to people. Capitalism always helps others whether it's given outright or spent. That's why its the best system we humans have.
If this company gets this girl to do this, it will give jobs to her, the male "actor," the director, the producer, the marketing director, and on and on and on. It's not a waste of money. It would make money. That is why capitalism is genius. It embraces what humans really are which is selfish and turns this selfishness into a positive (jobs).