This is excellent. I hope she makes the correct decision and commits fully to some real videos so we can all be happy. I mean, it is the very least she can do to satisfy us, her fans. Plus her career will take off. Fabiola- help us help you... LOL
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This is excellent. I hope she makes the correct decision and commits fully to some real videos so we can all be happy. I mean, it is the very least she can do to satisfy us, her fans. Plus her career will take off. Fabiola- help us help you... LOL

Ha wishfull thinking! lol It would be great if she did, but she realy didn't do much in that vid. Not to mention the vid is a few months old now. Seems she's dropping off the radar.:(
There is an old bikini contest clip of her on google video.
Tried to post link but didn't make it past moderator for some reason.
Is anyone here in the post on her newer myspace profile as a friend? Are there any good pics that we haven't c'een? I've requested to be her friend and I get nothing back . . . .
Well let me say its not actually new, its the one that she uses from time to time, the other one has been abandon since 2006 no activity.

I found this one the other day, as a bartender sumwhere but cant recal where? Do you Notice the tatoo?

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