Bush Lies

This is a website showing all the main lies that George Bush has told to date. Now, I am really not sure if all these are actually quotes but seeing as I am not American, I am sure an resident of the US could back some of this stuff up. Interesting reading :hatsoff:
I think Bush gets an unfair hard time. Yeah he speaks a lot of garbage but every leader of every country will lie at some point. He is certtainly no worse than Tony Blair.
From their info & legal stuff part of their site:

"Bennet G. Kelley
Bennet Kelley is an ATTORNEY (ed. trial attorney?) with an Internet company in Southern California. He has been active in DEMOCRATIC POLITICS for over 25 years and was the Co-Founder and National Co-Chair of the Democratic National Committee's Saxophone Club from 1992 -1998."

For a fair and balanced critique of a REPUBLICAN President, go ask a DEMOCRAT, right?


Retired Moderator

Haven't we all lied at some point in our lives? :dunno:

I am not a die hard fan of W,

But did someone forget that he was a politician?

A politician that got elected to the highest office in the land.

Of course he ha lied to someone and he will continue to do so :2 cents:
Seraphim said:

Haven't we all lied at some point in our lives? :dunno:

I am not a die hard fan of W,

But did someone forget that he was a politician?

A politician that got elected to the highest office in the land.

Of course he ha lied to someone and he will continue to do so :2 cents:

So rightly said Boss. :bowdown:

It is an axiom " Successful Politicians lie, cheat & steal."

No need to prove it. :D
Red Spyder said:
From their info & legal stuff part of their site:

"Bennet G. Kelley
Bennet Kelley is an ATTORNEY (ed. trial attorney?) with an Internet company in Southern California. He has been active in DEMOCRATIC POLITICS for over 25 years and was the Co-Founder and National Co-Chair of the Democratic National Committee's Saxophone Club from 1992 -1998."

For a fair and balanced critique of a REPUBLICAN President, go ask a DEMOCRAT, right?

Oh, I know you're not suggesting that for a fair and balanced critique of a REPUBLICAN president that we should go ask a REPUBLICAN!:rolleyes:
Im not usually in to politics, but I definately think that Bush was a step down from Clinton.

So what if Clinton "dabbled" with the hired help. I saw a speech he made on the BBC, shortly after he lost his Presidency. He came across really well, wich is more than can be said for Bush. I don't want to offend any Americans out there, but Bush comes across as a moron.
I cant believe anyone backs Bush!

For all the peope that support him, and most of his government, wake up smell the oil money. If Bush wasnt so entwined with oil companies do you think the Kyoto agreement wouldnt of been ratified, so many people would of been died in wars, and why so much of the world is starting to have so much resentment against the US?!
all leaders say lies every day
but g. w. Bush is also a murder
he changed bullshit for bushshit on dictionary
he must be judged like hitler
sorry, its my way of think
I don't get how everyone thinks Bush is responsible for the gas prices, and that this is a war for oil..... over 90% of the oil in the US comes from Venuzula, not the middle east.
reidman said:
I don't get how everyone thinks Bush is responsible for the gas prices, and that this is a war for oil..... over 90% of the oil in the US comes from Venuzula, not the middle east.

And yet he keeps saying in his speeches that we rely on the unstable Middle East for our oil. Yet another lie. Thanks for pointing that out.
Big P13 said:
Oh, I know you're not suggesting that for a fair and balanced critique of a REPUBLICAN president that we should go ask a REPUBLICAN!:rolleyes:

Actually, I don't trust either side. I haven't heard any democrat say anything good W has done, and with a few years in office, I mean, even a blind squirrel sometimes finds a nut so there must be something he got right. And for republicans, they'll only sugar coat it, unless they're planning to run for office, so which one do I trust?

And for you guys who can't really believe anybody backs Bush, there's really a lot of us, the world isn't just the people you know, because I can ask myself the same question, how come some people oppose him if everyone I know doesn't?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
reidman said:
I don't get how everyone thinks Bush is responsible for the gas prices, and that this is a war for oil..... over 90% of the oil in the US comes from Venuzula, not the middle east.

Not true....

Canada is actually the biggest exporter of oil that goes to the USA. Mexico is 2nd and Saudi Arabia is 3rd. Venezuela is 4th.

That aside, none of this has anything to do with Bush being a bald-ass liar, which he undoubtedly is. Sad thing is, I can't think of too many politicians who aren't. The main problem with Bush's lies, however, is that they have led to the tragic and totally unnecessary deaths of thousands of people. Anyone who still believes in this man is totally devoid of any credibility at all as far as I am concerned. His performance has been abyssmal on almost every key issue. The sooner he goes, the better.
politicians lie, it's their job they all do it and the best ones eventually become president of the united states of america the highest office in all the land