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Bush Insults U.S. Troops....Where's the Outcry?

Yet another simple mind swayed by the ridiculous rhetoric of the right.

And for anybody else who thinks that, I could also say "yet another simple mind swayed by the ridiculous rhetoric of the left".

Staying on subject, I'm no fan of Kerry here. I saw that clip a long time ago, Bush was making fun of himself since he's the one that supposedly said that there were WMD's in Irak and now he can't find them, at least that's how I saw it, but of course, I'm an original member of the vast right wing conspiracy, for a left winger he's somehow doing something evil, but believe me, if Bush had said something really disrespectful of the troops I'd be completely surprised and outraged and I'd also be calling for him to apologize. And about what Kerry said, he's been saying worse things about the troops since '71 so this is no surprise to me, but no less of an outrage.
kerry dissed me and my friends. i just joined up. and i think hes a fool at this time. not evil. but hes starting to act like a fool. bush is ok. so is kerry. the only person i would hate to see has the head of this country at this time. is dean. now he is evil. looks and acts it. going on. what kerry said to me came from the heart and wasnt a joke. you dont joke like that. this is what you want to here sometimes. because it shows someones true colors.
I'd like to see a Hillary Clinton/Colin Powell (or John McCain) ticket (even though those 2 are Republicans and that's not normally my party, I find them to be trustworthy and intelligent), but it'll never happen. I'd vote for Hillary and John Kerry (or John Edwards), though as well. It's going to get interesting here in the USA in the next year... :eek: :dunno:
And for anybody else who thinks that, I could also say "yet another simple mind swayed by the ridiculous rhetoric of the left".

Nice try, but whatever the left has to say about that issue has nothing to do with my opinion. I'm just smart enough to realize that it took FIVE YEARS after the fact for the Republicans to come up with this particular spin on this story. See, I thought that out, I didn't just go along with what anyone recently invented. The right loves people who they can think for, just like you! Keep up the good work!

Yet another simple mind hear from!:glugglug:
we are totally and completely fucked.because shemp from the 3 stooges would have probably done a 50 times better job of running this country than that fucktard bush or that fag kerry.
Ahhh, no ...

"When there is a Bush-fire, there is Prof on the rescue" - dd says.
Please change "Bush" to "rhetoric."

I defend Clinton and many others on other boards.
The reason I defend Bush here is because he's the majority target here.
The reason I defend Clinton on other boards because the majority target there.

It's call the difference between politics and leadership.
Politics is easy.
Seeing the leadership, even if you disagree, takes some thought.


Staff member

This article is complete refelect of the Bush Haters and right wing/republican haters. It is clearly written by a leftist. At last but not least, a common phenomenon in USA and in Europe is that many young people are anti USA and anti Bush. But these people should remember who freed their parents from nazism and shut the fuck up, wouldn't America gone to free Europe from nazism would these people never born.
Clinton was laxist so excuse me but being laxist is far more dangerous than having a preemptive action against terrorism. He did nothing after three attacks against his country. This is not a matter of right wing rethoric or not.
Many things Clinton did are criticizable. I can't say that Bush is better but he took all the measures for avoiding the country to be attacked. Clinton was also the biggest UN ass kisser.
Perhaps according to many of you, having Saddam having nuclear bombs and killing people would be better.
Canada was governed by social liberals just see how good is their judicial system after the hundreds of serial killings that happened and happen near Edmonton and Calgary. They have no death penalty and gang criminality is rising very high.
In Europe, Socialists ruined everything and when I say everything it is everything. Opened frontiers was the worst idea ever as well as the € and the european constitution. Many people I know say that the UE of 25 is an almost copy of the USSR and it will blow a day or another. Did Zapatero successfully integrated the 60000 illegal immigrants that he accepted in Spain? Not as far as I know according to some Spanish people I know very well. But as the time has proven me (especially here in France after 21 years with a socialist government), generally socialists are irresponsible, irrealistic and unforwardplanned people. The french right is even dumber, it made things worse than they were.
Socialism is not going to make things better. Many people in Europe think their country has lost somewhat its identity, its sovereignity and independance.
i love how these liberal bullshit sites put their little movies together about dead soldiers to make bush look like a bad bad man. people are pissed at kerry because he has no soul. he is a prick who brought his own camera crew to vietnam. I guess he didn't try in school either huh?
Kerry's not the one sending you and your friends to Iraq and Afghanistan, to kill other people's babies and leave some of your own parents without their babies too, that would be Bush.

youre wrong on this fox. whoever you just quoted knew there was a war going on. it was his choice to enlist. and that goes for every other person who joins the military. what do these people expect? what is the military for? its not summer camp. join the military-expect to go to war. and dont give me this "bush sent the military there" crap. if you dont want to fight, dont enlist. especially to those who signed up the last couple years.they knew about the war already.


Staff member
1. You use the word leftist as if it were an insult or a bad thing. It's a compliment.

2. It's not called being a UN ass kisser, it's called giving a shit what the rest of the world thinks. That's what the U.N. IS, a representative body of the world's governments. If you don't go along with the UN, you're standing alone against the entire world, which is megalomaniacal.

3. Canada has much lower rates of murder and serial killing, and far lower rates of crime, than the United States. They're doing something right, we're not. You can name towns with serial killers but look at the overall statistics. Most gun murders in America that are not drug related involve family members and friends shooting each other with "legal" guns that happen to be lying around their suburban or rural homes. They don't have the death penalty because they believe, and rightly so, that all criminals can possibly be rehabilitated, and more importantly, that if there is a god, it is NOT our place to take human lives, but god's place. Therefore when we kill, even in state-sanctioned executions... we are all murderers.

4. If socialists ruined everything why is Europe as a whole becoming wealthier and more stable, and why is the tourist industry booming, and why is the European economy strong?

5. While this is true, it is true everywhere that has immigration. And if you travel around Europe you will see the identities and idiosyncracies have not been lost. What is for certain is that Europe is at its most politically and economically stable, and moving towards economic parity (the poorer southern and eastern regions slowly catching up) more than at any time in the 20th century.


1. The word leftist is not to take as a compliment.

2. Clinton kissed Annan's ass and this why he was an asskisser.The UN proved its unreliability in many cases. The UN isn't really representative of the world governments. Moreover it is lead by a fucking idiot. It is better sometimes to stand alone than to be with a bunch of hypocites or two faced people.

3. I bet you didn't do any research before spouting your facts.
Canada violent crimes have doubled and yet you have the nerve to neglect this but on which planet are you. Right Canada hasn't got death penalty but the same scumbags when they are paroled are restarting their murders add to this the fucked up gun laws and you get the picture. Can you rehabilitate a serial killer or serial rapist??? In 99.99% they remain the same, that is why they desserve to die. It is the job of law enforcement to keep streets clean and eliminate any kind of scum threatening innocent citizens.

4. You are so predictable. A lot of founding countries have an unemployment rate higher than 9%, debts due to the cost of integration of some illegal immigrants and people who immigrated many ages ago and you dare to say that Europe is becoming wealthier. You are out of you mind as usual. Most of the industries are moving to Eastern European countries where labor costs is lower and when plants close it creates unemployment but I bet you didn't know this or didn't take it in consideration. The tourist industry is not what makes Europe strong on a long run perspective.

5. The parity between rich and poor is not existing. See how live people in Romania or Bulgaria and compare to how people live in France or Netherlands, there is no parity. Europe isn't economically stable nor politically stable it is variable.

You’re pretty good at finding facts to fit your ideology. Right wing blogs are such a good source of fair and balanced facts. You could get a job at Fox News as a talking head pundit. After all, it’s not news it’s Fox News.


Staff member
You’re pretty good at finding facts to fit your ideology. Right wing blogs are such a good source of fair and balanced facts. You could get a job at Fox News as a talking head pundit. After all, it’s not news it’s Fox News.

Let me be clear with you. Saying that criminality is lower in Canada when it is not true is a way to apease citizens from fear. Have you ever heard of the edmonton serial killings or the gang crimes that have risen dramatically in Cnada the last years ? Because according to you when liberal medias say something it has to be taken at the holy truth? I don't give a sh*t of fox news, what I do care about is the reality of the situation and when something is bad, I am not going to say it is good.


Staff member
1. That's what I thought. It is a compliment to me, though.

2. I wonder why you dislike Kofi Annan so much.

3. It's commonly known that violent crimes per capita are higher here than in Canada. I didn't say violent crimes haven't increased there, they have, it's been popular news here in the States. Violent crimes in America are also at their highest since the end of the 80s. So it's not a Canadian thing, it's a North American thing. Comparatively, Canada is still a safer and less criminal place to live than the US, largely because the poverty gap is far smaller and employment, welfare support, and gun control is much better there.

4. It's a good thing if companies spread throughout Europe. The East needs business. You say in #5 how poor they are, then you should be delighted that Western European companies are moving there, integrating all of Europe together. The tourist industry is one of Europe's leading and most consistent moneymakers.

5. Europe is the most stable group of countries in the world. Compare it to any other continent, any other group of more than 10 countries, it is and has been the most consistently stable and by far the most overall wealthy part of the world. Romania and Bulgaria are rich countries compared to Tanzania, Congo, Guatemala and Bangladesh. Europe is the most comparatively equally wealthy area of the world, there is no famine, there is no genocide, there are no brutal wars raging, there is no longer a communist-capitalist divide, and it is by far the richest per capita continent on the planet, unless you don't consider the Carribean and Central America as part of North America, which in continental terms, they are. If Europe is not politically stable then when was the last revolution in France, Spain, Portugal, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Greece, Iceland, Austria... since the fall of Communism most of Eastern Europe has been stable too, and steadily growing in wealth especially now, except for the massive blip of Yugoslavia, which itself is now settling down in its new multi-nation state, and getting back on the road to stability.


2. I dislike Annan and many people here know why
3. Give me proofs that really prove that Canada is much safer than the US. Giulianni completely/almost cleaned New York from its criminality. There are some states that are still dangerous in the USA but you should compare it to the number of the serial killings that happened and happen in Saskatchewan or Edmonton or even on the Highway of Tears and you will see they outnumber numbers of crimes in the US, add to this gang related crimes taht have risen dramatically in Canada.
4. Fact is that outsourcing and moving plants in Eastern Europe makes unemployment in the founding countries of Europe. People who were working before at the plant now have a difficulty to find a new job. Industries like Aeronautics, Automotive, Defense, Textile, Data Processing, Banking, Insurance, Transportation (high speed trains and bus) and Telecoms have a bigger importance than tourism. I am not delighted by unemployment and lack of patriotism in my country as well as having opened frontiers.
5. No it is not the most stable. And many people hate/dislike the Europe of 25. Only people who are not understanding the reality like it. We are not Talking about Tanzania or Bangladesh. Fact is that yearly in France many illegal immigrants from Romania are reconducted to their country. If their country was doing that well, they wouldn't come here illegally.
In Russia, the people who have money are older members of kgb, mafiosi and mainly unhonest crooks. Honest citizens in Russia are living with very little money sometimes in a poverty level that you can't imagine. Except Czechoslovakia who is doing well alongwith Poland, I don't consider Eastern Europe going so well.
And for anybody else who thinks that, I could also say "yet another simple mind swayed by the ridiculous rhetoric of the left".

Staying on subject, I'm no fan of Kerry here. I saw that clip a long time ago, Bush was making fun of himself since he's the one that supposedly said that there were WMD's in Irak and now he can't find them, at least that's how I saw it, but of course, I'm an original member of the vast right wing conspiracy, for a left winger he's somehow doing something evil, but believe me, if Bush had said something really disrespectful of the troops I'd be completely surprised and outraged and I'd also be calling for him to apologize. And about what Kerry said, he's been saying worse things about the troops since '71 so this is no surprise to me, but no less of an outrage.

Red Spyder - it's not that Bush did/said something like "Our troops sure are a bunch of dumb, weak, incompetent sissies" it's that he made very light of the fact that THE PRIMARY JUSTIFICATION FOR INVADING IRAQ TURNED OUT TO BE A BIG NOTHING!!! It's not like he was merely taking a jab at himself for his own ineptitude on something - we know that it wasn't HIS IDEA alone to invade Iraq, and we know that he personally didn't come up with the WMDs idea solo, and we know that he wasn't a man on the ground looking for evidence in Iraq. But he gave the distinct impression that not finding those WMDs was really no big thing. And my guess is that a sizeable proportion of our troops would strongly disagree. They don't like to find out that the reason they are putting their asses on the line turns out to be just a "whoops - I guess there weren't any WMDs! Oh well, you guys stay over there for a while and get shot at for no apparent purpose, and just watch as the country drifts into an utterly chaotic clusterfuck and your comrades get picked off until we've lost more people in Iraq than we did on 9/11!!" And since we've been ordered to never forget 9/11 (as if that's possibel anyway!), let's not forget how Bush & Cheney (and others in there) heavily insinuated and suggested that 9/11 was really a foundational reason for invading and attacking Iraq, when there was ZERO connection between the two. Pure, unadulterated BULLSHIT!!

Regardless of how one feels about Kerry's WORDS, Bush's ACTIONS - sending troops into the line of fire - have been immeasurably more harmful. His video joke about "where are those WMDs???" only served to rub salt in the troops' wounds.
It's funny how straight men (assuming that you're a straight man, HeartBroker) will use the term "fag" in a pejorative sense, but yet heterosexual men who use the term "fag" often get their rocks off when 2 women are having sex with each other... They're not "dykes." They're "making love." Interesting...

Even if Kerry is a "fag," as you call him, at least he's not a war-monger, insecure, puppet of a political party who's got its finger up its nose figuring out what to do for 2008. LOL This is going to be a very interesting election in the USA in 2 years...

I was waiting for someone to be insulted by that comment.:rolleyes: I thought it was pretty funny:thumbsup: Nice post Heart.
2. Clinton kissed Annan's ass and this why he was an asskisser.The UN proved its unreliability in many cases. The UN isn't really representative of the world governments. Moreover it is lead by a fucking idiot. It is better sometimes to stand alone than to be with a bunch of hypocites or two faced people.
Under the Clinton administration, countless US dollars went to fund countless deaths and misuses of various nations. Although many Americans disagree on our current policies, the overwhelming majority can't stand the lack of accountability in the UN. That's one thing I very much like about the Bush administration, bringing that back to the UN. If you wonder what single reason got W. re-elected, it was that one.

But also remember that Clinton regularly defied the UN as well, more than Bush, just not as "big" as something like Iraq.

The UN should serve a purpose other than being the largest bar tab in all of NYC -- 3x over #2. No joke, the organization and most representatives just don't give a shit because they know the institution is powerless, and probably have to stay drunk to represent their governments without losing it. Especially since most permanent security council members just serve their own interests first -- and I'm not talk about the US or the UK either. But many other nations as well.

When the UN wants to make a difference, countries will move beyond their petty self-interest and posturing. Until then, it's merely an avenue that does little but talk.