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Bush Insults U.S. Troops....Where's the Outcry?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
John Kerry's recent gaffe and resulting right-wing induced furor over his insipid remarks about our troops in Iraq is not nearly as bad as Bush making light of the error over WMDs at some half-assed correspondent's dinner in 2004. Kerry needs to apologize for his snafu and simply shut his yap. However, if Kerry owes an apology, what does Bush owe for this sickening attempt at humor at the expense of our troops in harm's way?


Where's the outcry over this? Liberal media my ass.....
nobody listens to bush anyway. why should anyone care what he says when he doesnt even know what he is saying? bush is like a little 6 year old. you hear words, but just dont care what is said. he doesnt know any better.:D


what the fuck you lookin at?
Damn that was fucked up! Thank GOD we only have 2 more years of this jack ass!


Closed Account
Damn that was fucked up! Thank GOD we only have 2 more years of this jack ass!

only 2 more years? I'm sure he can think of a way to destroy the world in a day... God knows what he could do with 2 years... ;)

Very effective video on that link. I wish there was a way to get him to watch it.
Kerry is a fag !!
I'm not a big fan of Kerry at all, and he did mess up that joke, but that flub was nothing compared to Bush's "Where are those WMDs???" "joke." For fuck's sake, he even went to the trouble of making a video for it!! Premeditated and he still went ahead and did it. If I was in Iraq THAT would piss me off far more. Yeah, where the fuck ARE those WMDs??????????????
It's funny how straight men (assuming that you're a straight man, HeartBroker) will use the term "fag" in a pejorative sense, but yet heterosexual men who use the term "fag" often get their rocks off when 2 women are having sex with each other... They're not "dykes." They're "making love." Interesting...

Even if Kerry is a "fag," as you call him, at least he's not a war-monger, insecure, puppet of a political party who's got its finger up its nose figuring out what to do for 2008. LOL This is going to be a very interesting election in the USA in 2 years...

HeartBroker said:
Kerry is a fag !!
at least he's not a war-monger, insecure, puppet of a political party who's got its finger up its nose figuring out what to do for 2008.

With the possible exception of warmonger that pretty much describes Kerry almost perfectly. I guess they’re not that much apart after all except for the a few separate issues on which they want to bend the people to their wills, who they take money from, and how they want to twist the constitution. I can’t wait for the day all those politicians piss off the people enough that we get rid of their sorry asses, one way or another.

I can see a future slogan that Kerry will use one of these days, "John Kerry: Hey at least I'm not Hillary Clinton".
I voted for John Kerry in '04 and would/will vote for Hillary Clinton in '08 if she runs. The USA needs Democratic leadership after the farce that has been the G. W. Bush administration's fucking train wreck of "leadership."

Imagine a Commander In Chief commenting that the troops who HE sent into harm's way are failing him -- HIM. What a disingenuous and ungrateful thing to say, and how TERRIBLY disrespectful is it to the over 2,000 dead USA troops' families is that? I guess it doesn't matter - he can't run for President again, but he's certainly digging a big hole for the next Republican politician who wants that role.

:2 cents:
I'm not a big fan of Kerry at all, and he did mess up that joke, but that flub was nothing compared to Bush's "Where are those WMDs???" "joke." For fuck's sake, he even went to the trouble of making a video for it!! Premeditated and he still went ahead and did it. If I was in Iraq THAT would piss me off far more. Yeah, where the fuck ARE those WMDs??????????????
That was at a correspondence fund raiser dinner where politicians make fun of themselves. Normally the media has never replayed those, because they are rude, crude and purposely nasty.

You should have seen some of the Clinton ones. From Whitewater to Monica and his playmate attitude -- oh man, totally unbeliveable!

BTW -- Kerry got as poor of grades as W. So he's no better. In fact, how can he talk about someone being "stupid" when he himself screwed up his own statement. The reality is, he didn't, and he took his statement right out of his attitude from Vietnam.

Hillary is damn pissed, and I don't blame her.
That was at a correspondence fund raiser dinner where politicians make fun of themselves. Normally the media has never replayed those, because they are rude, crude and purposely nasty.

My prediction is right. Today morning I was wondering where is Voluptuary, whom dd fondly calls 'Prof'. It just can't go without him.

"When there is a Bush-fire, there is Prof on the rescue" - dd says.

We respect you Voluptuary. :hatsoff:

Both Bush and Kerry's statements/jokes were in poor taste in My opinion.The thing to worry about if America wants a Democratic President in 2008,is that whenever John Kerry opens his big mouth it hurts His Party at a time when they should be building momentum for the election.The Democratic party takes a set back nearly every time Kerry speaks.Mrs.Clinton,Mr.Obama,and any other possible candidates and party leaders should put a "gag order" on Mr.Kerry before He does any more damage and destroys their chances with mainstream America.I am no political adviser,but it seems to Me that when the Republicans seem to be sinking themselves,that the angry and bitter John Kerry should not throw His own party into the quicksand with them.:2 cents:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
That was at a correspondence fund raiser dinner where politicians make fun of themselves. Normally the media has never replayed those, because they are rude, crude and purposely nasty.

You should have seen some of the Clinton ones. From Whitewater to Monica and his playmate attitude -- oh man, totally unbeliveable!

Big difference, Prof. Nobody paid for Clinton's sexual escapades with their lives. Bush making fun of himself? With this subject? Man, that's just plain reprehensible.

Go ahead and yuk it up George. I think the 2,800 plus American dead, 20,000 plus wounded and the 15,000 plus Iraqi dead might not think it to be so funny.

Kerry's such a fuckin' idiot. At a crucial time when his pathetically inept party has their best chance in 30 years to capitalize on the reprehensible actions of the equally inept Republican party, he goes and forcibly rams his foot in his mouth. And he does this 10 DAYS BEFORE AN ELECTION! I believe there are some worthy people in our government, both democrat and republican but those people are most likely too busy at least trying to do what's right to have any time blab off to the media and run for president.

Those who say that the Democratic party should ship Kerry off to some unknown island with duct tape on his mouth are absolutely correct. He has no charisma and constantly misfires all the time, doing a grave disservice to his party. The guy simply cannot get people excited about anything. He has about as much personality and ellicits the same reaction as a sunday morning beer fart. You know how when a woman is getting into you, you're receiving positive attention and you know damn well the best thing to do is just shut the fuck up and don't say anything stupid. The democratic party right now is in the same position, all they need to do is stay fucking quiet and don't fuck it up. But they will.
That was at a correspondence fund raiser dinner where politicians make fun of themselves. Normally the media has never replayed those, because they are rude, crude and purposely nasty.

You should have seen some of the Clinton ones. From Whitewater to Monica and his playmate attitude -- oh man, totally unbeliveable!

The annual correspondence fund raiser dinners are repeatedly broadcast on C-SPAN. It’s usually pretty funny. The last one featured Colbert’s stinging rebuke of Bush. An unsmirked Bush was five feet away during Colbert’s rant


Clinton makes joke about a failed land deal and a blow job. Bush makes jokes about starting a WAR. Oh man, talk about totally unbelievable! I’d say there is no comparison.


Staff member
Bush acted very irresponsibly and irrspectfully by insulting his troops. Do you know because of who the 11/9/01 happened? Because of your beloved Clinton (a silly leftist) who sacrified the safety of its country after three deliberated and planned attacks against an american embassy, the USS Cole and the 1st WTC attack in 1993. Instead of blaming Bush of all the vices, blame that leftist idiot and liar under oath of Clinton of what happened the 11/9/2001 and for not having caught Osama and his crew when he had an opportunity to do it. Don't dream about Hillary being president wh owould vote for the wife of a former preseident because of who 11/9/happened ?
Instead of blaming Bush of all the vices, blame that leftist idiot and liar under oath of Clinton of what happened the 11/9/2001 and for not having caught Osama and his crew when he had an opportunity to do it.

Yet another simple mind swayed by the ridiculous rhetoric of the right.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Bush acted very irresponsibly and irrspectfully by insulting his troops. Do you know because of who the 11/9/01 happened? Because of your beloved Clinton (a silly leftist) who sacrified the safety of its country after three deliberated and planned attacks against an american embassy, the USS Cole and the 1st WTC attack in 1993. Instead of blaming Bush of all the vices, blame that leftist idiot and liar under oath of Clinton of what happened the 11/9/2001 and for not having caught Osama and his crew when he had an opportunity to do it. Don't dream about Hillary being president wh owould vote for the wife of a former preseident because of who 11/9/happened ?

Time and again, when faced with irrefutable facts, you right-wingers' knee-jerk response is to drag Bill Clinton out of the closet. This thread is NOT about Bill Clinton. It's about Bush and Kerry and the resulting difference in media and public reaction to their mutually idiotic and insensitive statements.