Bum Fights

I just finished watching the 3rd installment of this bizarre dvd and was surprised there has been no talk of it on here! I'm sure this will attract a few conflicting views......... so what are you waiting for.

Some of it I admit to finding pretty funny but the section named 'Bumhunter' I find a bit degrading, I mean these are still real people.

If anyone has no idea what I'm on about then you can check out www.bumfights.com


Now, this is what I call REAL pornographgy. this is SICK. this is DEMORALIZING. and yet I'm gonna go out and buy a copy! :D which bumfights is the best? 1,2 or 3?




Closed Account
I am such a bleeding heart, I only find it sad. Then I find myself wondering what kind of people are their relatives that they don't take responsibility and help them? Why doesn't our government help them? Why are there people that find it entertaining? Damn its a sad world. :(

I saw all three of them and I thought some of it was hilarious and some of it is just down right disturbing,I mean you never realise how easily someone could just walk up and pull you out of your car or punch you straight in the face and youd never see it coming


It sickens me.

Yet i can't look away...

Thats exactly how I feel when I watch the videos.

I am guessing that it is my inquisitive nature that makes me want to see that stuff, but then when I watch it I feel like a total jack-ass for doing so.

Maybe, it is because the City that I live in is full of homeless people. Everywhere I go there seems to be a homeless person there. The same was true for the city that I grew up in, homeless people everywhere.

But, they are two different types of homeless. The City I grew up in had the homeless that sat in the same spot on the sidewalk every day (the homeless people knew not to take another homeless persons spot or there would be trouble) and begged for money. I always felt like I should give them some change.

The city that I live in now, the homeless people here they push around shopping carts full of there belongings and all the bottles that they have collected. (gotta be careful when you take out the trash, there may be a homeless person in the dumpster)

to take a quote from the song "Underwear goes inside the pants" by the artist "Lazyboy"

"This homeless guy asked me for money the other day. I was about to give it to him and then I thought he was going to use it on drugs or alcohol. And then I thought, that's what I'm going to use it on."

The thought of it just gives me this weird feeling on the inside

if you listen to the rest of the lyrics:

"Why am I judging this poor bastard. People love to judge homeless guys. Like if you give them money they're just going to waste it. Well, he lives in a box, what do you want him to do? Save it up and buy a wall unit? Take a little run to the store for a throw rug and a CD rack? He's homeless. I walked behind this guy the other day. A homeless guy asked him for money. He looks right at the homeless guy and says why don't you go get a job you bum. People always say that to homeless guys like it is so easy."

makes you really think, doesn't it? It sure makes me think. Makes me think how lucky I am to have grown up in the family that i did.

sometimes if I am not able to finish my meal at a restaurant I will get the leftovers in a doggy bag and then give it to a homeless person, or i will even take them into a fast food joint and buy them a burger and fries.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I personally find the videos.. enlightening, disturbing and at times of anger.. a freeing experience. As where previously I could just put on a nine inch nails CD and down a couple beers, putting on bumfights and watching, as Tyler Durden says...something beautiful get destroyed.. (aka any given person) it shows you your mortality and lets you laugh at others all in the same half hour. Interspersed with a depraved humor and an expensive model's tits.. I'd say its more artistic.. for this era.. than anything you can find at a museum.

Still, the world is a scary place where the lot of us are five minutes away from a possible death no matter what we do. Hopefully we wont get in a crash.. or fall down those stairs, or get mugged by a guy on an angry high.


knows petras secret: she farted.
haha, i seen one of those once. i had no idea what was on the tape. to be honest, one thing was funny here and there, but the other shit was kinda disturbing. didnt the people who make it get busted for it?

i guess its kidna like a train wreck for me. you know you shouldnt watch, but..


Closed Account
Some times when i see those massive group fights i feel totally sick. Like one guy getting the shit kicked out of himby many people for no reason when everyone is standing there watching like its an organised boxing match. Makes me want to do some serious killing.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Agreed. There is quite a lot of violence for absolutely no reason. And in the sense that.. Fight Club is more violent than, oh.. Alien 2 or something.

The violent actions portrayed are slow and visceral. Nobody dies, they're forced to suffer through it. As where maybe its.. humane? to see a hundred guys taken out in an instant. Death is so final. It isnt disfiguring in a way that matters.

But.. yes, there are so very few actual EQUAL.. and BUM fights. Mainly just random guys. Random locales and no reasons given. Violence without reason.. it numbs you. But its shown in such a way where there is no justification. No good or bad. Just.. there. Insanity. The lack of distinction between right and wrong.