Bullshit - 'Size Doesn't Matter'

I saw a scene with Nautica Thorn and a guy with literally a one inch dick. At that point, I no longer worried about being average.
dont measure and just pretend its bigger, denial:Dlol thats what i do:D but seriously if you cant finish her off with the dick or she dont think its good enough then drill her with some fingers:) that usually works an should soon shut her up lol... well not shut her up but you know what i mean lol:D
it matters to a point but i think that girls just want a guy who knows what hes doing rather than a guy with a boehemith dick that does not know what to do with it.


Personally, I don't go for huge penises.

I'd be scared.
Well, well, well...m'lady. I just might be a fit for you. ;) I kid, of course. I do have a small one though. :o

I think Senob, CCT, the #1 awbf and my male harem might have something to say to your offer.

They'd tell me to take you up on it. :1orglaugh
With everything that I read in this thread, I would say that You Might as well think that size matters to girls just so you won't get upset or shocked if she wants something above average.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I think Senob, CCT, the #1 awbf and my male harem might have something to say to your offer.

They'd tell me to take you up on it. :1orglaugh

Whatever puts a smile on your face. ;)
Size matters to some women. Just like some guys preferring big tits on a woman. Doesnt mean she will shoot you down because you're not exactly Mr. Big below the belt. Just as a guy liking big tits may settle for someone not quite as well endowed in the chest area as he would have liked. I cant say the general consensus of women is 'size matters', because I believe women are mainly attracted to men for various different reasons than that of simply dick size. Which they really wouldnt have any idea about unless they might have heard stories, or more likely, when the dude is butt naked. It's different with us, we can tell when a woman is well endowed just by a 2 second look. Not quit as easy for a woman.

In my personal experience, I've run into some size queens for sure. Which isnt a problem, but I've also ran into a few who felt fucking me was a bit of a chore as well. One girl inparticular, asked me how big I was the very first night we began talking on the phone. I was a bit taken aback, but I threw out a number that was above average but lower than what I actually am, and she said that was ok because the guy she dated before me was a particular length, and that he was kinda painful, which made me a bit worried since I knew I was actually bigger than the guy she was referring to, but decided to keep my mouth shut about it. Suffice to say, on our first date, we had sex. And despite being larger than her previous which she complained about, it sure didnt take her long to want to try it out. What I didnt know was that she was telling her roommate everything I said, and asked her if I had lied about my size on the phone, and whats funny is she said that her response was, "Yes, he lied. The motherfucker is bigger!" Obviously, I didnt mind it much. ;)

Basically, I prefer sex with size queens over a girl who finds it a chore anyday of the week. These girls atleast know, and enjoy what they are getting themselves into. But one of the drawbacks, atleast in my experience, is also being told theres no chance in hell of porking the asshole since it's almost too much for the pussy. :(

Ultimately, every girl is different. And you really never know until you get out there. Yeah, size matters to a good number, but i wouldnt say it's the general rule.
Simple fact is it matters to some and it doesn't matter to others.
We can't change our size so don't worry about it. 4 inches, 6, 8, 10 whatever it is how you use it that counts. And anyway it's like saying "I wish a had a girl with a perfect tight little butt". Sure it would be nice but most normal girls don't have it. It shouldn't change anything, if you are lacking in an area improve in another.

Mr. Sledgehammer there might think he's the best thing ever but 10 inches would hurt a lot of woman not give them pleasure.
Yep. Know the feeling.
What Becks is trying to say is not that she actually clicked on any porn, but that I have exposed her (under duress) to an endless menagerie of the worst porn has to offer. :D

As far as penises. I like having a normal size dick. I think it is really better than having a long or short one. I think anywhere from 6"-9" is what most girls want, but of course, that isn't nearly as important as knowing how to please your woman orally, as I believe someone mentioned.
it seems that most on here know that this question depends entirely on the person. that's really it. While most women consider sex to be a fundamental part of their relationships, on thier list of total importancies in thier life (even within the relationsip itself) sex generally doesn't rank at the top. Even the women that I've known with an above average sex drive have been content with "small" or "average" size guys.

the one thing I can say for sure, it's way more important (or at least perceived as important) to far more men than women.
What Becks is trying to say is not that she actually clicked on any porn, but that I have exposed her (under duress) to an endless menagerie of the worst porn has to offer. :D

Because of the man, I need an endless supply of brain bleach™®©.
Yes that is right fox. It is not the size that matters but it is how you use your cock that matters. Though I knew some girls who were always in search of big fat dicks.
Some guys love big asses. Some hate big asses.
Some girls love big dicks. Some girls hate big dicks.
It's all about preference, so get over it. If you're going for a slut, i'm sure as hell size is gonna matter for her. but if you're looking for a decent girl in a good relationship..then it wont matter for her.