Approved Content Owner
James - I hope this question hasn't been asked as I haven't read through all 110 pages of this thread (well not yet). How do photoshoots work for Talia with her being in Arizona? Do you fly her up to Canada once a month and do 10 shoots or is she living up there and just hasn't changed her location on twitter and other sites or do you pay a photographer to do her work and email you the photos?

PS-Yes I know this is the Bryci section but a brief search came up with no official Talia site and plus you are always very good at responding here =) One more thing-congrats on almost having the book together I love your style and work!

I replied in Talia's thread :) - http://board.freeones.com/showpost.php?p=6043580&postcount=779

tanx mang :)


Approved Content Owner
I just want to say she also does live web cam shows in public on www.myfreecams.com

her profile is here http://profiles.myfreecams.com/Bryci

thanks man! btw, great avatar of Trisha,

I used to photograph her, she's a great lady! :)


Approved Content Owner
When does the Close Friends video hit the site, James?


Would have been this week but I had a couple sticks of ram go down so I ordered 64 gig of ram for my box, loading the sucker up.. will begin encoding and getting it in the site first thing once ram gets here, Fri or Mon.. and then boom, next day it's in.

The video makes the photo set look boring.

For those unsure wtf I'm talking about... a small sample. I'll get the promo set out shortly for this. We just moved so we've been playing catch up. :)

I should have called this set When Talia met Bryci (Talia Shepard)
