Wasn't a breast lift, Bryci already said what she had done herself in her youtube video, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVsHhXrZU9s

She had boobs that were one size, she lost weight so her boobs got smaller.. she went back and got more added. If you look at her photos, you can see they were big, then small, now bigger. You get a lift if you're boobs are sagging and if you get a lift, there is often major scarring. So now, no lift, just extra added. Out with the old, in with the new so to speak. :)

That's all she did, hope that helps =)

Sad to see. She still looks good, but with all these girls who get another boob job every time their BMI changes a tiny bit, it seems like ending up like Talia is inevitable. Let's hope that doesn't happen.


Approved Content Owner

Excellent work Patrick! Hit me up at james@jamesdot.com when you have a moment, thanks!

Sad to see. She still looks good, but with all these girls who get another boob job every time their BMI changes a tiny bit, it seems like ending up like Talia is inevitable. Let's hope that doesn't happen.

I appreciate your thoughts, but two things.. one, her bmi changed a great deal and *she* was unhappy about it. This is the thing many people don't seem to get, it doesn't matter if you, I or the next guy like or don't like. We don't get a vote. What matters is that the GIRL likes. After all, it's her body right? :)

Secondly, there is no need to belittle another model. That was uncalled for. I totally get you have an opinion and I respect that fully. I just don't see why you need to slam someone by name in a public forum, regardless of your reasoning. It was not cool.
I appreciate your thoughts, but two things.. one, her bmi changed a great deal and *she* was unhappy about it. This is the thing many people don't seem to get, it doesn't matter if you, I or the next guy like or don't like. We don't get a vote. What matters is that the GIRL likes. After all, it's her body right? :)

Secondly, there is no need to belittle another model. That was uncalled for. I totally get you have an opinion and I respect that fully. I just don't see why you need to slam someone by name in a public forum, regardless of your reasoning. It was not cool.

Umm, I wasn't telling anybody what they can and can't do to their body. I was comment about something she said in a video that YOU posted.

Secondly, I didn't insult or belittle Talia. There are obviously plenty of people who are very happy with her dramatic surgical endeavors, but I'm not going to pretend that there isn't a huge number of models who started with an incredible physique and then went way overboard due to bad surgery, some type of dimorphism or whatever else. It'd be a shame to see the same thing happen to Bryci in my own opinion.

Heh, neg rep. Is it 4th grade already?


Approved Content Owner
You said her bmi changed a tiny bit, but this is where you were incorrect, her bmi changed a great deal, she lost several cup sizes and she was not happy. Fairly straight forward. She wasn't happy, she made a change, now she is happy. This was hardly some major step, she went up barely one cup size from where she was originally before she'd lost weight. Her boobs look the same as they did before as well. Check bryci.org if you need some proof. Not sure why this is open for discussion in your head?

You did imply something negative towards Talia, if you can't see that, read what you'd typed again. Now in your last comment you imply Bryci had a bad surgery? ok buddy, whatever you say.

Lastly, yes, Neg rep. You know how rep works right? Copy/paste what I said in your neg rep if you like. If you'd posted what I felt was a helpful post, I'd have + rep'd you but you were somewhat rude towards a friend of mine so you got the ol - rep.

Can we seriously get back to posting threads and being fans? If you want to troll, troll elsewhere. Petra has made it clear that ass kicking will take place to trolls. I'd rather all just play nice.

Hope you all had a great Christmas!



Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Not really kidding here folks. Who wants to follow bigroy out the door?
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haha, not sure what to tell you man, her tat has always and will always be on her right wrist. Not sure why it might look different.

Petra.. thank you. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!

Sure, you can check your website's pics and her video on bryciTV

Maybe you'll know what to say then

(Oshi!!! petra stop it i'm scared..)


Approved Content Owner
Sure, you can check your website's pics and her video on bryciTV

Maybe you'll know what to say then

(Oshi!!! petra stop it i'm scared..)

I think this must be a language barrier thing where you don't understand what is being said. It's either that or you're just not aware of the way a tattoo works. (real tattoos don't come off and on.)

Her tattoo is on her right wrist. Always has been, always will be. If you shoot a video with a camera, into a mirror, it does flip it. Case in point, look at the video here.You can see her left wrist petting Jack, then she goes into the mirror and it's flipped. This is one fluid motion, no removal of tattoos took place, it's what happens when you shoot video into a mirror I guess. I have never shot video into a mirror so I didn't know it flipped. Good eye! Hope this clears up your confusion on the topic.

Petra, again, thank you for watching over the thread. :hatsoff:


Approved Content Owner
Petra, can JamesDot be voted off the island?


I tend to upset a few of the unruly, this is true. I bring hot photos of Bryci and the other Bella ladies to FreeOnes though so regardless of if you or the guy before or after this posts likes me, I bring da goodies, which is a lot more than I can say for most if not all of the negative people.

I don't like seeing people get banned or nuked, but then again, if someone is rude, what do they add to the thread? Why post if it's just drama?

Sorry if this is upsetting for you, but on the bright side, there is an incredibly easy solution if you find yourself not liking things. click :)

Hope you had a GREAT Christmas and an even better 2011!

For those with New Year's Resolution's to get in shape.. maybe this will help?




I think this is relevant to what was going on in this thread. Maybe some of you might agree. I also hope Petra can understand what I'm saying and set James straight. Maybe not, since Petra is the forum administrator and James is a webmaster. They have a mutual agreement. We're just lowly forum members and are on the bottom of the forum totem pole. Whatever, I really don't care.


Approved Content Owner
tg2869.. you seem to think yourself and others that post negativity are so hard done by. You'll notice those that post links and aren't trolls are still here, posting and being happy. I have no issues with them, I have issues with trolls. Read the threads if you need to. I have yet to ever go after someone that wasn't rude or disrespectful in the first place.

In the other forum you make a post that offers an opinion on why a different model did something. I offer an alternate possibility, that people create things to support their own opinions when the only opinion here that matters is the model's. Apparently this angered you somewhat, so you create this little pissing match. Well done. Your 5 post count, mostly in the same threads supports the idea that hey, maybe this is a guy that had already been removed or banned or it's an alt identity so you don't get your other one banned.

Don't worry, mods are looking into it. :)

We're here to have fun, post photos, links etc, we're not here to have a bitch session. Why do you need to continue this? Let it go already.
First... James... (and Bryci) excellent holiday stuff you truly are a wizard of the lens in your own extremely Lucky Bastard kind of way.

Second... YA'LL SHUTUP AND CLICK LINKS!!!! I think there needs to be a Freeones "Stumble-Upon" button for a little extra assistance in MOVING ON!

No one wants to hear bitching and complaining from any of you tools. James has the pictures and therefore carries a lot more authority than the lowly forum trolls some of you insist on being on a day to day basis. Let the man post his pictures and we shall enjoy them. Simple.

Third.... Happy holidays and a joyous New Year to all of you. (especially Petra):drool1: