Greating looking girl, but my only concern and question is how you'll keep it "fresh." What I mean is that you can only post pictures of her boobs and landing strip for so long before viewers start wanting more spread vag shots
This is where we disagree. This is a somewhat long answer, sorry for all the words words words. :hatsoff:
What we do is a niche. A lot of guys love it. Some guys get pissy cause they can't get their way, but meh, can't make everyone happy.
In short, we're not doing the website for this person or that person. We're doing the website to have fun, by our rules. If it makes a buck or ten, fantastic. Those that love what we're doing can check it out, those that want more, can go elsewhere. It's not personal, it's like going into a Chinese food restaurant and bitching because they don't sell Pizza. Doesn't make much sense.
We follow our guidelines, not every person that tells us to do this or do that. Why? Simple, someone always wants more, that's the way of the world. If B started spreading, then someone wants toys, if she starts that, then someone wants harder... it goes on and on and after 13 years doing websites with girls, if there is one thing I have learned, the girls happiness is *far* more important than guy that emails in asking for spread leg stuff. If the guy had a clue, he'd look around at the samples, know this isn't Hustler type material, but rather closer to Playboy. If he wants Hustler material... he should go to a Hustler type site.
If a girl is pretty, and has a decent body, she can pretty much do anything she wants and she'll find an audience. She might not make as much as a porn star, or, she might just make more... it's tough to say. If the girl wants to go nuts to make the fast buck, sure, the options are there... but girls get burnt out quickly and then flake. Been there, seen it with many a girl.
Bryci does what Bryci wants, we try and go above and beyond for our members by providing them with the highest quality images and videos available from any solo model site online to date. We update more then everyone else, and we don't stand in front of some back drop for half our shoots. We actually put effort in, because the guys buying memberships have made Bryci what she is today. We appreciate them, so we try and show them.
Sure, we get emails saying do this or do that. I email them back and ask if their Mom is available for shooting. :nanner: lol (I'm joking, I don't respond usually)
I don't mean to take your comments and be rude back with you Katafan, I appreciate the question. Tomorrow, I will wake to at least five emails telling me I need to talk Bryci into this or that in order to survive. How if she doesn't use toys, the site will close or ______________ <-- enter words of wisdom from an armchair quarterback here.
Like I said, can't make everyone happy.:glugglug: