okay, i've been lurking (as my name suggests), and i've pretty much been black-listed/ignored on this thread, but this is an honest question, without disrespect intended, and without agenda:
why is no one allowed to offer negative feedback? obviously the boyfriend thinks she's hot, obviously the fans of the site think she's hot, but why can no one say anything negative without being totally bashed? is no one allowed to an opinion? and if someone's opinion sees a way the site can be improved, is it necessarily wrong?
not expecting an answer,
Feedback is always a good thing, and a differing opinion is not a bad thing, but when you insult a girl... that will generally be met with some resistance, don't you think?
It begs the question... if someone isn't a fan, why waste time posting in the girl's thread? Just makes the person look desperate for attention or something in my opinion. Trolls are trolls I guess.
You'll notice though, I did say I respected his opinion regarding her hair. The way he wrote it was as 'advice' but advice is only respected when it comes from a place of knowledge, isn't it? If your dentist told you how to change the syncro in your transmission, would you think he had a clue of what he spoke of? What if the guy at Mr Lube told you how he thought you should do a bridge canal in your mouth, what part of you would think yeah, this guy's 'advice' is a good idea. I got a good laugh out of some guy insulting bryci and then throwing out advice even though to date, he was the only person to ever say anything negative... so yeah, was I going to take it serious? No, if anything I felt sad for the guy.
Everyone thinks they're an expert, myself included, everyone thinks their advice matters but when it comes down to a girl's appearance... any guy that is married or been dating for any length of time... hell, that even has sisters will tell you, women do what women do, guy's advice doesn't much matter.
Women are women, guys are just along for the ride.
As for insulting her nipples, that was kind of funny because it was clear the guy didn't have a clue what he was talking about. I can show you photos where her nipples look one way, and photos where they look another way... just as with every model out there. It's called temperature and any guy knows this. Well, guys that have been around nipples. it was an easy call, sorry if it somehow offended you.

I was laughing when I wrote it if helps? :glugglug:
Seriously, feedback is always good. Ideas are great too but I think you'd agree there are ways of saying things. Other people have throw out ideas and not only have we thanked them, we've done them... so no, it's not that feedback is bad at all.
Trolls are trolls though, don't feed em I guess is the best response. :2 cents: