If your debt card has a Visa or Mastercard stamp on it, then online it's not viewed as a debt card, it's viewed as a credit card, so yes, it would work. Any debt card with a Visa or Mastercard stamp would work for membership.
Each individual Bella site is $24.95 per month, that would be Bryci.com, Avadawn.com or KatieBanks.com. Any one site for $24.95
Bellapass.com on the other hand is $34.95 and it gives full access to all the sites as well as all future Bella sites we create and add. We are creating the fourth Bella Girl site right now, it should go live within 2-3 weeks area. The girl will have the largest boobs in the Bella Network. She's hot, big breasted and loves to show off... I think she's going to do well. When her site goes up, it'll of course be shown in FreeOnes as the others have been.
So then that will be four Bella Sites, all for one low price, and then we're starting to find Bella Girl #5. In short, we're trying to offer a great deal. :hatsoff:
What about the visa gift cards https://www.allaccessgift.com/gift/ this one all you need is to enter a name and a zip code that matches whatever name and zip you give the retailer (you enter these online at the all-access site). Would these work?