Sadly that's not how the internet works Jim, wish it was. How it works, a video clip gets out, and it gets posted everywhere, tube sites, faker profiles with watermark cropped off, you name it. Sending out DMCA requests like crazy is a nice chunk of my day currently as it is, well, mine and my tech guy Steve.
We've offered two clips way back as a test and yeah, it wasn't pretty. We're still clearing those clips to this day and that was from over nine months back. We figure if someone likes Bryci, they'll sign up. If they're on the fence about signing up and they need video to make it or break it, meh, they can sign up somewhere else. heh. Like I have said several times, we're doing the site for fun more than OMGMUSTMAKECASH.
Sure it's cool to make some money in a job you love, but having rules that make us comfortable is more important to us. Sorry mang =)