this sounds familiar....
Wow. Nice respect you have for Bryci.
I hate to ask this but your comment leaves me with this thought -
Are you knew to online porn or just porn in general? I ask because you seem to want to make light of my saying Bryci would not do this or that and then later she did. One of the mods in this very thread also pointed this out. What I said was true at the time, but people change their mind. You're aware of this right? Freedom of changing your mind that is. If a girl says she won't do topless, you should listen to what she just said. It's based at the moment. Is she talking about 3 years down the road? Hell if I know but since I don't have a time machine to go forward, I'll just have to ask myself if I am a fan. If I am a fan, I enjoy what she is doing right now. If I'm an asshole, I make snide remarks toward the model because she's not doing what I want. Stupid model, the internet was created for my amusement, doesn't she know this? :|
Some info for you, since you're new to it and all. (Yes, I am happy to help)
Many models start off non nude or barely nude and in time, as they become confortable, *if it is right for them* , they make different decisions.
Bryci did this, same as 99% of the girls out there. Not sure why you don't follow this. Maybe you're new to porn or 15 and have no knowledge of women (if you did have knowledge, you'd grasp the changing their mind thing), thus why I asked.
As for becoming an escort... I have been in this business since 97. I have not seen *one* solo model that has a fanbase or is well known do this. I have seen porn stars that fuck for money do this, but that's kind of their thing isn't it? (fucking for money). I've seen hundreds of escorts or pimps steal images and pretend to be online models but it's never the model.
So if you are saying you think Bryci will become an escort down the road - haha - I'd like you to hold your breathe for this day please.