Eltardo -
I've noticed on a few instances in the videos from the website that Bryci has a few brief instances where she isn't covering certain parts? Is this on purpose as a treat for members or an oversite? Either way...It's awesome!!! Tell her to keep up the good work. She's insanely sexy. :glugglug:
There are nipple slips here and there but in photos, oddly they're by accident if it's completely clear. If it's something sheer or see through, she's fine with that. On videos though, a little different. A lot of work editing video so if a nipple slips out while filming a behind the scenes of a shoot, we generally let it slide, after all, it's only a brief nipple. She sets what she is cool with, what she's not and I just say ok and follow her rules.
It's often funny when i get an email from a guy telling me I need to do this or do that. I often want to ask him if hes ever met a real girl before. :2 cents: You never tell a woman what to do, she tells you what she's going to do.
I'm happy she's comfortable, shes in control of herself and that makes her want to keep having fun. I'm happy, and from the sounds of it, most guys in here as well!
Thanks for the positive feedback guys! I just gave that content to Amateur Index a few hours ago, he was fast in getting the gallery built! heh
In other news... we ordered our new equipment today. It comes Wednesday so watch for new material on Thursday night or Friday. We're going to make the jump to HD video in March. (we need to secure better hosting first). True 1920 x 1080 HD clips. We're excited!