People, in the rush to criticize, starts to immagine things.

Sorry, I meant to say: "do anal scenes on a regular basis" (which she is doing now) as opposed to the 1-2 anal scenes she has done when she didn't look like the contents of a plastic surgeon's trash bin
Sorry, I meant to say: "do anal scenes on a regular basis" (which she is doing now) as opposed to the 1-2 anal scenes she has done when she didn't look like the contents of a plastic surgeon's trash bin

I gave it a second tought and i tought that you meant that.

Sorry for been harsh.;)
ya when she was thin , she was really look pretty, but now she look different , even she got more weight, she still look curvy..but i like it too..hope upcoming she does first dp..
I'm also shocked by this massive weight gain :eek:

maybe she is pregnant ?

you guys could talk about the fake lips and bad boob jobs all you want but she looks like a healthy weight to me. It definitely was a pleasant surprise watching a newer scene from her after not seeing her for a while and wondering where all that booty came from.
Brooklyn's hottest scene;
