Your retort was bizarrely angry. I said I wish they did more updates, and you said you wish they did more updates. But, it just seems like you are a lot more emotionally invested in this than me, perhaps?
When I go to the main page of their site and look at the dates clearly listed and see no updates, it's like when I'm watching a TV show and they sneak in a string of reruns for a couple weeks. Perhaps there should be 52 episodes a season but then you go from the quality of 8-10 episode seasons of Breaking Bad down to a daily soap opera like Days of Our Lives. Both have their charm but these particular sites thrive on being different.
Yes, Lucasfilms employs HUNDREDS of people to make one film. Phad shoots and edits this content mostly on his own. It seems like a thankless job rather than a "cash-grab". I would say this is true for Mumblez, too. No other sites have content like this, though. NONE! I have no problem paying the monthly membership fee just to get a video like they did for Episode 1, or the Bioshock video, or anything with the Camwitch. Or the Neckbeard or Eduardo videos on his other sites.
Brooke is phenomenal, but had anyone else run her site, it would've shut down YEARS AGO! That is not a knock on Brooke, at all, but I can name a string of blonde models in this genre who either quit and/or just started taking a cock and/or poop their pants for a living now. All of those results were mostly by not having good management. You are here, the same reason I am here, because we like Brooke and we like the work. So please stop your temper tantrum and don't worry so much about to whom I give blowjobs.