I'm a real mug for tanlines, I see she's got them now, sends my heart racing
Just read thru your account of the world cup shoot Phad. Funny stuff, Keep writing those.
Since the time she got this job,it's clearly time to give more.
She can leave the buissiness i don't care i want pussy and nipples.
I'm bored with the porn surfing.If you want a nude model you can dream.
All model are NN you buy zipsets and they are all NN!!!!!!!
WTF you want money give more,NN girls are all on the street!!!
Wake up internet they fuck them all
My argument is all these vids you see stars making you think you see pussy but you don't. But when she has shown pussy they put the stars on but never post the vid. Example is right on her front page in the trailer vid.
Okay, will do! Thanks!