Wow! I cant believe I just discovered this thread!

Yes, Im born and bred in america and I have to say that they are one of the BEST bands in the world today!
They never sold out or changed for trends....just a genuine, good rock n' roll band. Seen them 7 times and they never dissapoint, they sell out Madison Square Garden everytime they play here which is NOT easy to do if your not a "Big Time" american band. Also....the beatles "rip off" thing to me is laughable at best.....I mean what heavy metal band hasnt ripped off Black Sabbath? :dunno:
They play the biggest shows and venues around the world and always go multiple times platinum every record they release, I mean it isnt like 90% of the rock n roll bands today even go gold!
Noel Gallagher is one of the greatest songwriters of our time, theres no doubt of that!
OK, this american Oasis fan is done extoling the virtues of one the biggest and best bands in the world today!! :glugglug: