multicultural = majority shut up = tyranny of the minority
Multi-culturism as I understand it means blending of cultures.
Well he would, wouldn't he? I mean, he is a bit of a prat.
call me dave? He's a lot of a twat.
If you're not muslim, you're not entitled to comment on muslims here, kindly refrain.:moon:
How do you know where I've lived?
I can comment on whatever topic I choose, thanks very much. If you're going to neg someone for being American, at least get your facts right first. I'm Canadian you spunk muncher.:thefinger:rofl:
In my experience, non-muslims are not welcomed.:2 cents:
You commented on Britain like you'd actually lived here, and the fact that your comment was dead wrong leads me to conclude that you haven't.
I didn't neg rep you for being american, I neg-repped you for making an ignorant comment; Mozlems do not run riot around the UK shouting "behead those who insult Izlom".
I've never heard of one doing that in the UK and I've never seen an extremist Islamist shouting rhetoric here.
As for "spunkmuncher", you really should be carefull flinging insults and flaming here, because:
A: I could beat you into the ground with both insults and flaming with little to no effort while still staying close enough to the line not to get banned :hammer: and:
B: You will get into trouble with the modulators if you fling insults around like that.
Try to have a mature and adult debate, rather than ignorantly stating that England has mad Mozlems running riot across it and calling people "spunkmuncher".
Your activities suggest a low IQ. Worse, they're not dissimilar to alexpnz who hated neg-rep and referred to it as gay. This comment:
"LOL neg returned for your stupidity and gayness"
Not the kind of thing you wanna do.
If in your experience non-Mozlems are not welcomed, this probably has more to do with it being you than you being a non-Mozlem.
I've been around the houses of Mozlems, regularily. No problem. Was even close to renting a room in a Mozlem household once. Apparently it's just that people (yes, radical notion I know, but Mozlems are people) don't like you. :dunno:
He's from the upper classes and went to Eton, forget just immigrants, he probably feels he's better than 99% of the population. He's cut so many jobs suddenly without warning (my brothers is at risk) that people will struggle badly because of him, and he still wants to spend £20 billion on the replacement for Britain's Trident submarines, we no longer need a fucking state of the art navy so that money will be wasted when our health services are crying out for money, he doesn't care though he probably has BUPA (private). If he's so obsessed with saving money why don't he suggest MPs halve their massive salaries whilst we remain in financial crisis, many others have had to.
While I agree with much of what you say, we do NEED an independant nuclear deterrant.