British MP dates 'cheeky girl'


It's good to be the king...
this one must last a while :p


milf n' cookies
I thinks she's pretty hot and I'd date her too if I was him!
I thought politicians promises only lasted hours, anyway......:D

He's a Liberal they count as politicians?;)
Don't see why this is "breaking global news"... heh.

But I must say, she's not too bad. I like to see a skirt chasing bureaucrat. one that's getting his rocks off in the bedroom is less likely to end up screwing the nation. :2 cents:
Her and her identical twin sister used to be stick objects but since putting in some weight they have become decent looking.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Umm. Cool.

Now onto more pressing matters, like top ten cumshots and Officially checked members giving up the free pics! +COOL POINTS!


Closed Account
For anyone who said "she aint bad"

She's part of one of the most horrifying pop-acts in recent years, and no, she is not "quite hot"...
I've just read on Teletext that Mr Opik has apparently intervened in the Home Office's attempts to deport his shag buddy. For me personally their crimes against music are reason enough to deport the pair of them


It's good to be the king...
Don't worry - once she starts singing, he'll be begging Sian to take him back....:D


Is somewhere outhere.
Don't worry - once she starts singing, he'll be begging Sian to take him back....:D

I don't know about that one mate.Maybe he's into all that "specialist" stuff.

While he's banging her up the bum.She's singing "I am a cheeky girl - You are a dirty boy" :eek:

Different stroke for different folks u know??? :dunno:
I don't know about that one mate.Maybe he's into all that "specialist" stuff.

While he's banging her up the bum.She's singing "I am a cheeky girl - You are a dirty boy" :eek:

Different stroke for different folks u know??? :dunno:

That is one of the most hilarious images I've had in my head for a while!:rofl:
I'd fuck a cheeky girl.

I'd only fuck Sian Lloyd with the lights out.

I'd vote Lib Dem if he was banging both the cheeky girls.

Touch my bum.