Don't fix what wasn't broken Brianna. Take things as compliments instead of something that you just don't agree with. You can't win on this. The only guys you will find that whatever you do "looks terrific" are from guys that could care a less what you do to yourself period, because they are hideous themselves and would take you any way shape or form. Those same guys would gladly take you in your most natural look that you had in the past as why use their opinions to mean anything at all or justify these odd changes that you do to yourself these days?
He is only saying that your changes you keep repeatedly doing to make yourself look "different," only make you look atrocious. The same thing happened to Nikki Sims years ago. Learn form other people's mistakes. Don't relive them. If you don't realize that you are in a place where the opinions of guys matters with this, then maybe you are just delusional and should retire before you lose your sense of reality as the years pass by and end up doing some procedure that you will only regret once you snap out of it. Just stick to your brunette hair, "natural" looking lips instead of that fake looking pout, and some real "natural" looking eyebrows once again to start. If you want to change your look, then just do hairstyle and wardrobe changes. Your personality is what is most attractive. Regardless of how long you keep a similar look to how you used to look, you are the only one who will get tired of it. I can't believe that you just don't see what brings out your very best. Fake is not attractive. Just be real. Stick to how you look naturally. As close to it as possible. I'm a very highly critical man and can tell you that just getting the approval of myself, as arrogant as it may sound, will get you ALOT of attention. Fighting against it will only prove to bring about criticism from others and I know deep down that the opinions of men matter to you. They should. The same should be with how the opinions of women matter to men.
Be as ugly as you want to be. I have no clue why you think these changes that you do make you look better. Like I said.....there was absolutely nothing wrong with you before. Not a single thing.
Some women say that they only pretty themselves up so they can feel more confident when they look into the mirror, but honestly I don't agree with this. I think the more truth about it is that what they see in the mirror and are happy with is what they want guys to see as well. Just one form of identity crisis. That's all it is.
What I like about you the most is that you've always had a racially ambiguous look to you. But you've taken it out of hand and now just look like you are from another planet instead.
Why does it bother you to "have the same look" anyways? Why can't you just "appreciate" it? It may have been the same look you had for a long time, but honestly there was nobody else in the entire world that looked like YOU. You were still one of a kind and still beautiful.
You changing into this freak look, just makes it seem like anything that was ever pleasant to look at that is considered natural beauty was never "good enough." At least not for "you." Don't you ever look through your content through the years yet and realize what honestly looked better? Are you honestly still too blinded to see with a rational state of mind. We all have self confidence issues to an extent in terms of appearance, but in time we snap out of it.
If every woman was to fall into the trap of this fake stuff looking better then at least maybe the population would decrease just a little bit for a while.
So many hideous looking women these days. It's a shame to see how clueless women have gotten in terms of knowing how beautiful they once were.