Brenda James


Official Checked Star Member
Hey everyone!
Thank you all for the great messages and
Support of my web site. I will me taking over
My website completly in the next few months
My hopes are to make it more up to date and
Have a daily blog and even more updates.
I don't know how to edit my movies, but I
Guess I'm gonna learn!
The recent scene ok MA seems to be doing well.
Charles is a really good looking guy, and a breeze
To (work) fuck.
Business has almost come to a complete halt on CA.
So you have to email companies and request me
If you want to see the bigger productions.
I am dying to get in front of the camera, but there is no work.
This is why I am starting to buy the equipment for my home
Life has been crazy with kids husband and the pooch. Everyone
Has had the flu, and along with holidays there have been a lot
Of birthday cake bakeing. I think I can get creative with the
Leftover frosting however.
It is still freezing cold where I live. I despise it. I'll be back in CA
Around the 15th though, and I can't hardly wait!
Spring is my horniest time of year for some reason! I want it
As much as possible. So I promise to get the video camera rolling.
Have a great week everyone I am very thankfull for you letters
And compliments. I couldn't dream of having more loyal supporters.
Tons of kisses,
Hey everyone!
Thank you all for the great messages and
Support of my web site. I will me taking over
My website completly in the next few months
My hopes are to make it more up to date and
Have a daily blog and even more updates.
I don't know how to edit my movies, but I
Guess I'm gonna learn!
The recent scene ok MA seems to be doing well.
Charles is a really good looking guy, and a breeze
To (work) fuck.
Business has almost come to a complete halt on CA.
So you have to email companies and request me
If you want to see the bigger productions.
I am dying to get in front of the camera, but there is no work.
This is why I am starting to buy the equipment for my home
Life has been crazy with kids husband and the pooch. Everyone
Has had the flu, and along with holidays there have been a lot
Of birthday cake bakeing. I think I can get creative with the
Leftover frosting however.
It is still freezing cold where I live. I despise it. I'll be back in CA
Around the 15th though, and I can't hardly wait!
Spring is my horniest time of year for some reason! I want it
As much as possible. So I promise to get the video camera rolling.
Have a great week everyone I am very thankfull for you letters
And compliments. I couldn't dream of having more loyal supporters.
Tons of kisses,

hello Brenda of beauty and lust. your form causes great passions and desires in my blood. please work must continue please.
thank you for your body and smile. I have voted for your beauty on websites of pornography.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Mr Milf Man
please take me one of your moments to explain the word known as Milf.
it is your name and also used as discussion of the beautiful Brenda.
My monsieur of class of English does not also have the meaning of the terminology Milf.
please explain this of Brenda, who is the village queen.

MILF means Mother/Mature I'd Like to Fuck!

So a MILF is a hot "mama" :D

I think the term itself was invented by the movie American Pie.