Wow! I'm super retarded tonight, took me an hour to find a place to post! I had a great time in LA this last week. New scene with Tom Byron will be on Seasoned players 16 I believe. I was supposed to shoot with RK and my agency fucked that up big time so now RK is pissed at me! They will learn the truth I'm sure, so no worries. I just was really looking forward to working with them. After this agency bullshit I decided to follow through on starting my own so I'm looking for help with a name... I will send a bra and panty set with a signed photo and more fun stuff to anyone that comes up with I name I use. I have to be able to get a domain with the same name however, here in lies the challenge!
Well I'm glad I now have free ones on my home page and promise to use it. Thank you for all the great letters and posts. I always say I will quit when the mail does, so thanks for another year!
Many many kisses,