Before any judgement on this case, let's look closer at what's going on here.
1. The high school cheerleader is 18 years old. Many Board-certified plastic surgeons will not do any plastic/cosmetic surgery on anyone under 18.
2. The surgery is NOT a breast augumentation but correction of asymmetry of both breast and inverted areola and nipples.
3. The preliminary reported showed it is not the surgery itself that caused death but a very rare reaction to the anethestic medications called MALIGNANT NEUROLEPTIC SYNDROME.
4. It caused hyperthermia, muscle cramping, respiratory distress !
5. Breast augumentation is many cases are performed in an out-patient plastic center in United States with little emergency back-up but breast augumentation is a very simple preocedure performed hundreds to thousands times a day across America.
6. A small incision is made and a tunnel is formed under the breast tissue/muscle and the saline breast implant inserted and depended on the size the patient wanted, the surgeon inflated the implant to a specific size.
7. You can have allergic reaction to food dye, peanuts, seafoods etc. So it is unfortunate but no one's fault !
8. There is always risks when you are under the knife !
P.S. The doctor did nothing wrong, it is the anethesiologist who administrated the medication. Actually in many cases, local anethesia are used and the patient is partially awake but in no pain !
Asymmetry of right and left breasts is very common in both male and female around 14-18 years old !