BREAKING: Trump Reportedly Set to End DACA Program

Don't believe anything he says, he'll lie about anything to try to get the upper hand. He once told me his wife died of cancer and then bragged in pm about making me look like a dick.

I always just assumed that what is discussed in a PRIVATE message is understood by both parties to be confidential. And I'll lie to get the "upper hand" ... on an internet porn forum? lol k. Not that it matters, but I said that about my wife to take that issue off the table. You need no assistance to look like a dick.

If he didn't vote trump, he sure was quick to jump on the trump train.

I actually wasn't a supporter of Trump until after he won the nomination. Up til that point I mocked him and even wished for his plane to crash. But it went from that to Thomas Sowell's choice of "compared to what?" to enthusiastic support of MAGA.

and when it comes to DACA, I don't support sending those out of the country who are here through no fault of their own and haven't committed any crimes and in some cases were willing to give their lives for this country serving in the military.

But again, as with anything, give a compelling reason against DACA. I'm not adverse to changing my mind on something. If I were, I'd still be a liberal.
Well then, I guess I should apologize and say I stand corrected. All I have for the time being, is my recollections of what I saw once or twice a month when I popped in here to peruse the latest, during my hiatus. You seem pretty supportive of Dear Leader and his policies. And since fucking with brown people is a cornerstone Conservative policy, I made what I feel is the logical conclusion that you feel the same way.

You said recently that Israel is where your loyalty goes. Not mine, but I respect that. S. Korea and Poland are my Israels, so we have that in common. But this is another area where I feel just as strongly. I say again, there is no fence sitting. If you're not in direct opposition of dissolving DACA, you at least tacitly support it (I'm saying this part generally). And supporting Dear Leader in this is way beyond the pale. There is nothing the least bit casual about it. What Dear Leader wants in un-American and abhorrent. ALL Americans should be disgusted.

Again, sorry for the mis-characterization.

no problem :hatsoff: and thank you.

And to address what mongo said about lying, I actually didn't vote for Trump. Not because I didn't support him at that point but because I live in one of the deepest blue states in the country. It was pointless. So may be a technicality but it wasn't a lie.
After reading up on this more, from what I understand is that DACA was ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. 5th Circuit Court, went up to the Supreme Court which issued a 4-4 decision meaning the 5th's ruling stands - that it's congress' role to change immigration law, not the executive branch.

So this really is out of President Trump's hands, right? Kicking this to congress is what he's REQUIRED to do. It's on them.
I'm not qualified to determine wether DACA was constitutionnal or not.

But what I know is that it's not right, it's not good, it's not fair, it's not how you "make America great again"

It's not right ot go after people who were brought into the country by their parents, have done nothing wrong, have a job or are students), pay their taxes, etc.
Dreamers have not brought crime or drugs and they aren't rapists.

Some say endring DACA wil create jobs. But the question is are they people who are ready to fill in and take these jobs ?
If not, ending DACA could have severe consequences on the US economy
Youi know as much as I do that a huge proportion of what politicians saidf during their campaign is BS

The 5th Circuit court agreed ? Well, I just don't accept it, just like you guys did when the Ninth Circuit Court choosed to block Trump's muslim ban.

Anyway, in the end, knowing that the US has a shortage of physicians, do you think doctors and medical students should be deported ?
Are you 100% sure that, for every "dreamer" who wil be deported a US citizen will take his job ?
Democrats say they have deal with Trump on young immigrants

WASHINGTON (AP) — The top House and Senate Democrats said Wednesday they had reached agreement with President Donald Trump to protect thousands of younger immigrants from deportation and fund some border security enhancements — not including Trump’s long-sought border wall.

The deal announced by Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi following a White House dinner would enshrine protections for the nearly 800,000 immigrants brought illegally to this country as kids who had benefited from former President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program. The program provided temporary work permits and protection from deportation.

Trump ended the program earlier this month and had given Congress six months to come up with a legislative fix before the statuses of the so-called “Dreamers” begin to expire.

“We agreed to enshrine the protections of DACA into law quickly, and to work out a package of border security, excluding the wall, that’s acceptable to both sides,” Pelosi and Schumer said in a joint statement.

It was the second time in two weeks that Trump cut out Republicans to reach a deal with Pelosi and Schumer. A person briefed on the meeting, who demanded anonymity to discuss it, said the deal specifies bipartisan legislation called the DREAM Act that provides eventual citizenship for the young immigrants.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but said in its own statement that the president had had “a constructive working dinner” with Schumer, Pelosi and administration officials “to discuss policy and legislative priorities,” including DACA.

“This is a positive step toward the President’s strong commitment to bipartisan solutions for the issues most important to all Americans,” the White House said.

During a White House meeting with moderate House members from both parties earlier Wednesday, Trump had urged lawmakers to come up with a bipartisan solution.

“We don’t want to forget DACA,” Trump told the members at the meeting. “We want to see if we can do something in a bipartisan fashion so that we can solve the DACA problem and other immigration problems.”

The apparent deal is the latest example of Trump’s sudden pivot to bipartisanship after months of railing against Democrats as “obstructionist.” He has urged them to join him in overhauling the nation’s tax code, among other priorities.

Trump, who was deeply disappointed by Republicans’ failure to pass a health care overhaul, infuriated many in his party when he reached a three-month deal with Schumer and Pelosi to raise the debt ceiling, keep the government running and speed relief to states affected by recent hurricanes.

“More and more we’re trying to work things out together,” Trump explained Wednesday, calling the development a “positive thing” for both parties.

“If you look at some of the greatest legislation ever passed, it was done on a bipartisan manner. And so that’s what we’re going to give a shot,” he said.

The “Kumbaya” moment now appears to extend to the thorny issue of immigration, which has been vexing lawmakers for years. Funding for Trump’s promised wall had been thought to be a major point of contention between Republicans and Democrats as they attempted to forge a deal.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said earlier Wednesday that Trump was “committed to the wall. It doesn’t have to be tied to DACA but its important and he will get it done.”

House Speaker Paul Ryan, who also sat down with Pelosi to talk immigration Wednesday, said during an AP Newsmaker interview that deporting the so-called “Dreamers” was “not in our nation’s interest,” and said the president had “made the right call.”

“I wanted him to give us time. I didn’t want this to be rescinded on Day One and create chaos,” Ryan said, arguing the time would allow Congress to “come up with the right kind of consensus and compromise to fix this problem.”

If the Republican congress can't put bills on the President's desk to sign, he'll go to others who will.
Seems like some folks aren't very pleased with Trump's new stance on DACA and the wall


Steve King: Looks like Trump is keeping Hillary Clinton's promises

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said Thursday that President Trump appears to be keeping the promises of former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton when it comes to immigration and border security

“So I think something is going to have to get reversed here with this president's policy or it will just blow up his base. I mean this was a straight-up promise all the way through his campaign,” King told CNN’s “New Day.”

King, a staunch conservative who has long pushed for a strict immigration policy, said he has “market-tested” Trump’s immigration policy over the last 14 years and has debated the issue across the early primary states.

“I don't think it's unclear to anybody what those campaign promises were, but it looks to me like he's preparing to keep Hillary Clinton's promise rather than his own.”

King’s comments come after Trump met with Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Wednesday night at the White House.

While Pelosi and Schumer after the meeting said they agreed to work towards a deal to protect young immigrants and to address border security, Trump noted in a tweet early Thursday that no deal had been reached yet on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

As I said multiple times, there's not gonna be any wall, it was all a big lie ans you all fell for it, suckers !



Closed Account
I'm not qualified to determine wether DACA was constitutionnal or not.

But what I know is that it's not right, it's not good, it's not fair, it's not how you "make America great again"

It's not right ot go after people who were brought into the country by their parents, have done nothing wrong, have a job or are students), pay their taxes, etc.
Dreamers have not brought crime or drugs and they aren't rapists.
It's interesting how everywhere that this topic is talked about, it is only talked about how it isn't the Dreamers' fault that they are here illegally because it was their PARENTS who brought them here when they were young and thus, they shouldn't be punished. Okay, but what about the parties who ARE at fault --- the PARENTS?

Someone commented somewhere that suggesting that the Dreamers turn in their parents would be cold-hearted / heartless. That's not the only option. Why don't the parents turn themselves in? After all, THEY are the ones who created this situation. From what I can see, the issue of the illegal parents who brought their children over illegally is just going to be swept under the rug.

Almost assuredly, eventually here in the next 6 months, the Dreamers will either get full-blown USA citizenship or some sort of safe legal status. Meanwhile, the parents will get to anchor along, not necessarily with legal status, but they'll just let them be. THAT is what is not fair.

Will E Worm

Under the Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony, punishable by two years in prison. Immigrants who are deported and attempt to re-enter can be imprisoned for 10 years. Visa violators can be sentenced to six-year terms. Mexicans who help illegal immigrants are considered criminals.

The law also says Mexico can deport foreigners who are deemed detrimental to “economic or national interests,” violate Mexican law, are not “physically or mentally healthy” or lack the “necessary funds for their sustenance” and for their dependents.

America needs to do the same and deport them all.

Also, end anchor babies and repeal end the 1965 immigration act.

Enforce the 1952 McCarran-Walter Act.

America first.



They raised a kid who is going to school, working a job and/or serving in the military. I find it entirely fair.
It's interesting how everywhere that this topic is talked about, it is only talked about how it isn't the Dreamers' fault that they are here illegally because it was their PARENTS who brought them here when they were young and thus, they shouldn't be punished. Okay, but what about the parties who ARE at fault --- the PARENTS?

Someone commented somewhere that suggesting that the Dreamers turn in their parents would be cold-hearted / heartless. That's not the only option. Why don't the parents turn themselves in? After all, THEY are the ones who created this situation. From what I can see, the issue of the illegal parents who brought their children over illegally is just going to be swept under the rug.

Almost assuredly, eventually here in the next 6 months, the Dreamers will either get full-blown USA citizenship or some sort of safe legal status. Meanwhile, the parents will get to anchor along, not necessarily with legal status, but they'll just let them be. THAT is what is not fair.
We're taling about parents who came into the country with children, have been there long enough for these children to grow up so that they are now in college, working or in the military. We're talking about people who've been there for like 10, 15 or even 20 years. So, unless they are criminals (convicted criminals, not just suspected) it would be unfair to sent them back to where they came from. Because all what makes their lives (their home, their job, their kids, their friends, etc.) is now here.


Closed Account
It might appear unfair to be sent back after being here 10, 15, 20 or more years and having 4 or so grown children and maybe even a thriving business, etc. But, if we rewind the tape ... WHO put them in this position of their life now being all here and them now fixing to be deported? THEY did. All those years back they made the ill-advised and extremely risky decision. They knew that on ANY given day, be it early in their illegal stay here or many years later, they could get caught.

So being aware of that, why would they then proceed to make matters worse by having kids? Anchor Babyism, that's why. That can't be disputed because what's the first thing they fight with upon being caught? "Oooooo, you can't separate the family." :eyeroll: Neither Trump or the USA immigration system is separating any families. IF there is any supposed family separation, it was put into play years ago by those parents' decision to have kids when they shouldn't have.

Besides, those claims of family separation are bogus.
Exhibit A: All those kids that are sent towards the USA by themselves or via "Coyotes." Isn't that voluntary and very foolish and very dangerous family separation on the parents' part?
Exhibit B: A lot of times, it is the parents who first come across the border for years while voluntarily having left their children wayyy far away across the border with any ole uncle, aunt, neighbor or any barely known person. And that family separation doesn't seem to bug them then. Interesting.

Anyway, yeah, this ... I guess you could call it the Capture Evading Rewards Program makes me see red. It's like the illegals feel they are entitled to the concept, the idea, the RIGHT to that the more years they have evaded capture and the more kids born here that they have --- the more they should get a Get Out of Deportation Free Rewards Card. It's like they think or expect that there is some unspoken Statute of Limitations / an Expiration Date and that once you reach to around double digit years of having evaded capture, you should be allowed to stay here as long as you haven't killed anyone, robbed a bank, Etc.

As Jeff Sessions keeps telling them --- There are LAWS here. And that includes Immigration Laws.

If deportations start being waived for everyone who "doesn't have a record / hasn't committed a crime," the word will spread like wild fire and next thing you know, we have a flood of would be border crossers piling up at the border. Then again, that is already what exists.
I will never apologize for supporting law and order in this country. I believe in obeying the law. Always have and always will. And these so called Dreamers broke the law. Plain and simple. Why am I being made out to be the word one for believing that people should obey the law? Is it such a novel concept?....Assholes
If deportations start being waived for everyone who "doesn't have a record / hasn't committed a crime," the word will spread like wild fire and next thing you know, we have a flood of would be border crossers piling up at the border. Then again, that is already what exists.
Then, if it's already happening, what are your afraid of ?


Closed Account
What I'm afraid of is the country going more to shit than it already is what with the illegals now having more rights than the citizens. It seems more and more that most everything they bitch and bellyache about ... they get their way. This because of a mega surplus of people, politicians, lawyers and judges all with self-serving agendas coming out of the woodwork and the sewer to defend, protest for, enable, aide and abet in the gigantic, shameless, nationwide Law-breaking Fest in which the illegals engage.

It seems like no matter what illegal is caught and set for deportation, even if they have a criminal record and with an outstanding deportation (fugitive) order ... the whole fucking county will protest so that they don't deport them. Why don't they just go and defend and protest for murders, rapists, bank robbers and such while they're at it?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
America needs to do the same and deport them all.

Also, end anchor babies and repeal end the 1965 immigration act.

Enforce the 1952 McCarran-Walter Act.

America first.

Here's a quote from Senator McCarran after Truman's veto was overridden and this draconian act was made into law.

I believe that this nation is the last hope of Western civilization and if this oasis of the world shall be overrun, perverted, contaminated or destroyed, then the last flickering light of humanity will be extinguished. I take no issue with those who would praise the contributions which have been made to our society by people of many races, of varied creeds and colors. ... However, we have in the United States today hard-core, indigestible blocs which have not become integrated into the American way of life, but which, on the contrary are its deadly enemies. Today, as never before, untold millions are storming our gates for admission and those gates are cracking under the strain. The solution of the problems of Europe and Asia will not come through a transplanting of those problems en masse to the United States. ... I do not intend to become prophetic, but if the enemies of this legislation succeed in riddling it to pieces, or in amending it beyond recognition, they will have contributed more to promote this nation's downfall than any other group since we achieved our independence as a nation.

Now, I want you to forget for a moment that he was referring specifically to those who were from Eastern Bloc nations, the "Iron Curtain" countries, and were fleeing totalitarian regimes in order to live their lives under freedom and democracy. I do want you to remember that this legislation was passed during the ramp-up to the McCarthy era when red-scare paranoia and xenophobia was at a fever pitch (sound familiar?). The bill's sponsors were terrified that communist infiltrators were plotting to sneak into the United States....what's the word McCarran uses??.....oh, en masse and undermine our democracy and way of life.

Now, take that same basic quote from McCarran, and imagine similar words (omitting references to the United States) being spoken by Sitting Bull....or Crazy Horse....or Geronimo....or Chief Joseph. It's the same speech.

Anytime we take a look at the specific demographics of the USA (or any country for that matter) we are looking at a snapshot in the timeline of its existence. A nation is a living, breathing and dynamic entity....not some static and sedentary rock. It is in a constant state of flux and change within its populace and, hence, its culture. The one thing that isn't dynamic, however, and that keeps us on the even keel that gives America its true identity is our devotion to the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all people.

Wow....what an awesome concept.

They raised a kid who is going to school, working a job and/or serving in the military. I find it entirely fair.

The whole issue is ridiculous. These kids represent a total of .018% of what constitutes the illegal alien population in the USA and (everyone against DACA dismisses this but I don't think it is a small factor at all) find themselves in this country by no action of their own other than being brought here without their consent or knowledge (they were little kids or babies). They have been brought up to be Americans. They went to grade school in America. Some of them went to college in America. Some of them served in the military in service to America. Some of them are working regular jobs. I don't care where they were born, they are AMERICANS. It would be UNAMERICAN to deport them.

The Dreamers are not the problem with illegal immigration. They are a result of it....and a positive one at that. Please stop terrorizing these kids and give them the chance to live their dream right here with the rest of us in the good ol' USA.


Closed Account
The whole issue is ridiculous. These kids represent a total of .018% of what constitutes the illegal alien population in the USA
Hey, Jagger, out of curiosity, where did you get that *** .018% *** number?

The reason I ask is for years, we in family and friends circles have cracked up at how the same exact number of 11 million always seems to be tossed out there as the number of illegal aliens in the USA. It mysteriously never goes up or down. So, IF for the sake of argument we were to take that 11 million as more or less the correct number of illegal aliens in the USA ... then there is no way 800,000 Dreamers make up only a miniscule .018 % of illegals in the USA. Not even if you move the decimal over to make it 1.8% would it be correct.

Unless I miscalculated, missed a factor somewhere, there would have to be 4.4 Billion illegals in order for the 800,000 Dreamers to be only .018% of all the illegals.

IF we do go with that 11 Million (only for the sake of exploratory argument of course), 800,000 Dreamers comes up to 7% of the illegals.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Hey, Jagger, out of curiosity, where did you get that *** .018% *** number?

The reason I ask is for years, we in family and friends circles have cracked up at how the same exact number of 11 million always seems to be tossed out there as the number of illegal aliens in the USA. It mysteriously never goes up or down. So, IF for the sake of argument we were to take that 11 million as more or less the correct number of illegal aliens in the USA ... then there is no way 800,000 Dreamers make up only a miniscule .018 % of illegals in the USA. Not even if you move the decimal over to make it 1.8% would it be correct.

Unless I miscalculated, missed a factor somewhere, there would have to be 4.4 Billion illegals in order for the 800,000 Dreamers to be only .018% of all the illegals.

IF we do go with that 11 Million (only for the sake of exploratory argument of course), 800,000 Dreamers comes up to 7% of the illegals.

....current data available about immigrants in the United States, who numbered 43.3 million people in 2015.

Just a quick calculation comes out to 1.8% (sorry, misplaced bad) if these figures are correct albeit dated. If they are, I cannot imagine that the number has declined since 2015. If you have other data indicating other numbers, I will defer if the source is more authoritative and current than mine. Thanks for the double-check....I have been way too hurried on here today. My math could still be wrong so but I think my point is still valid.


Closed Account
Wooooooo! 43.3 million illegals? Www WOW! Dayyyy - Um! That's way more plentifully scary than I thought! :eek:
11 million already sounded ginormous. There's definitely way more of a problem than I remotely imagined. 43.3 million is definitely something that needs to be addressed, nipped in the bud and not allowed to keep growing.

Anyway ... no, I don't have a more authoritative source. I'm not sure there is one. There probably can't be. It's probably one of those things that different "experts" can only make educated guesstimates. I did a quick Google before my previous comment and quickly realized I was just gonna be looking at widely-varying estimates.