BREAKING: Sean Hannity uses gay slur in heretofore un-released interview and is fired from Fox News

No wait, that was MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski and she said it on air. But no worries, her job is safe.

MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski apologized on Wednesday for using a homophobic slur when describing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo a “butt-boy.”

Brzezinski took issue with Pompeo’s recent comments to Fox News regarding Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s involvement in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

“Why doesn’t Mike Pompeo care right now?” Brzezinski asked. “Are the pathetic deflections that we just heard when he appeared on ‘Fox and Friends,’ is that a patriot speaking, or a wannabe dictator’s buttboy? I’m dead serious. I’m asking, are these the words of a patriot?”
I made a vague reference to this in another thread. Your idea was better. :1orglaugh


Hiliary 2020
1st dont bother with the fake news link provided.
Here is what she said

She is a good actress and she spoke her lines well.

You people do know that all this "Media against Trump" stuff is all scripted right?
All part of the reality show that is US politics yes?
All a low IQ bullshit theater meant to distract the people while the ONE BIG CLUB who owns and controls everything continues sticking that big- red white and blue dildo up their asses every single day no?

Butt Boy, great word to get peoples attention. A real shocker.
Like in the 70's when Black TV shows would occasionally use the word niger but with 2 G's


Hiliary 2020
Wow did you know those 2 actors are married?
And look at her family tree.
She's about as DC insider as you can get.

Another example of Politicians and News Actors uniting.

Its nice how the US Press and US Politics have united these days isn't it?
Nevermind, you people can't see the problem with that.
Enjoy your show.