Breaking News: Veronica Vice calls it quits


Closed Account
People get shit in every job. I'm in sales (well, sales management now). I've had people throw my business card in the trash can right in front of me. I once had a customer tell me that my company should be sued for our practices. I had one of my sales team escorted out by security. I had a sales rep that was sexually harassed by a customer.

Crap happens in all jobs.

I just wonder why she felt the need to write that post. It sounds like she's really unhappy with porn fans, and the money she's not making. I didn't see anything else in there that was a reason for leaving.

She looks pretty hot to me, by the way.

That pretty much explains why she's had enough. I think she'll come back though. You know those stories where an adult star retires and then returns and then retires and returns for one last round. Kinda like a trilogy. Maybe she should try working in America. Might do her some good? :dunno:
Sad news..
I think she was great. She showed a charming personality on her videos and she is really beautiful as well. She's gonna be missed!
Wish her the best!