*Breaking NEWS* Physicists discover we CAN travel faster than Light


Postal Paranoiac
Interesting stuff. Apparently relativity still applies EXCEPT when...


My Penis Is Dancing!
Good. This could give me the chance to go back to the future and handle some personal business.

Seriously, this is rather cool. I know a couple of years ago, some German scientists also thought they had found a case where light was travelling faster than itself (in this case, it was prisms). I know there is a lot of research still to be done...but two findings makes for a more difficult argument.
We learn something new everyday. FAct is stranger than fiction.
Pretty cool. I have always thought that calling the "Laws of Physics" laws was a bit careless. I liked to think of them as guidelines more or less. Always wondered why people called them laws when they are nearly impossible to enforce when you attempt to look at the universe as a whole. It's far too chaotic to be bound by laws.


Why is bad reporting bad for science?

Because it encourages a simplistic and ignorant understanding of science among the general public.

The reason science works is that it can be proven wrong, if you can do the experiment, replicate the results, and have your results worked over tooth-and-claw by your equals.

Man I love that part. I like the whole article, but I was happy to see that.

Now.......time to find a way off this fuckin' planet.
I didn't see Stephen Hawkings name in either of those articles.

Until The Hawk signs off on it...it ain't happenin'.



For the EMPEROR!!
That is why I love science. Always something new to discover.

Great stuff. Great article. :cool:
Still needs to be reviewed by peers, tested for faults. I wouldn't get TOO excited guys, give it a week or so. In theory yes, faster than speed of light is possible, but Neutrinos still have mass, we know so little about them, we need to wait/be skeptic.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Still needs to be reviewed by peers, tested for faults. I wouldn't get TOO excited guys, give it a week or so. In theory yes, faster than speed of light is possible, but Neutrinos still have mass, we know so little about them, we need to wait/be skeptic.

I think it will take longer than a week for it to be thoroughly reviewed by their peers. For this to be thoroughly tested and accepted, we are probably talking more like a few years.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Finally I can see all my molecules and atoms scattered across the cosmos when things go haywire! But it would be cooler if we could teleport like Nightcrawler from Xmen.
But it would be cooler if we could teleport like Nightcrawler from Xmen.

you never know! Fact is wilder than our imaginations, i beliebe


and without the need for a wormhole. I knew the light barrier can be broken! Now someone please build me a neutrino spaceship :D



You do know this is only preliminary, right? And that the results of this particular experiment have to be duplicated in another experiment under the exact same conditions to be considered valid, right?

Didn't think so.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
You do know this is only preliminary, right? And that the results of this particular experiment have to be duplicated in another experiment under the exact same conditions to be considered valid, right?

Physicists already spent 8 months duplicating the results before it was broadcasted to the world. They wanted to be sure before the News was broadcasted. But I'm sure it will continue to be peer reviewed.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol